Cat Rocky (also known as Tabby) is a member of Mayor Humdinger's Kitten Catastrophe Crew, meant to be an imitation of Rocky of the PAW Patrol. He made his debut in "Pups and the Mischievous Kittens".
Like the rest of the Kitten Catastrophe Crew, Cat Rocky was introduced as the "evil twin" of the PAW Patrol.
Cat Rocky looks nearly identical to the actual Rocky in terms of fur color, except he has a white muzzle (with a white strip going up between his eyes) and green eyes as opposed to the brown eyes of his pup counterpart. He also has stripes of dark gray on his face, legs, and tail. Cat Rocky has the logo of the Kitten Catastrophe Crew on his hat.
Cat Rocky has tools just like Rocky, but instead of the normal tools, he has a set of pincers and a drill.
Here is a gallery of Cat Rocky's attires: