PAW Patrol Wiki
PAW Patrol Wiki
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Everest is a female Siberian Husky who debuted in the Season 2 episode "The New Pup". She is the PAW Patrol's snowy mountain pup, the seventh pup, and the ninth overall member of the team (including Ryder and the PAW Patroller). Her primary purpose is to clear snow from the roads during emergencies, and to use her grappling hook to get from place to place. The official website states she is the oldest pup at eight years old.

Quick Answers

What is the main role of Everest in the PAW Patrol team? toggle section
Everest, the Husky from PAW Patrol, resides on a mountain with Jake and serves as a snow and mountain rescue pup. She became an official PAW Patrol member after aiding in a rescue mission. Everest primarily functions as a reserve member, summoned when her cold weather and mountaineering skills are needed. She also helps Jake rescue snowboarders and skiers in trouble on Jake's Mountain.
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What is the breed of Everest from PAW Patrol? toggle section
Everest, a character in PAW Patrol, is a Siberian Husky. She resides on a mountain with Jake and is characterized by her fearless, energetic, and playful demeanor. After aiding in a rescue mission, she became an official member of the PAW Patrol. Everest, despite her snowy habitat, is always prepared to help and ensure the safety of Adventure Bay.
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How did Everest become a member of the PAW Patrol team? toggle section
Everest, the Husky from PAW Patrol, joined the team after rescuing Jake from a snow cliff at the South Pole. Ryder officially welcomed her into the PAW Patrol in 'The New Pup' episode. Everest then moved to Jake's resort, becoming the team's snow and mountain rescue pup, often assisting in snowboarder and skier rescues.
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What special equipment does Everest use in her missions? toggle section
Everest, the husky from Paw Patrol, uses a pup-pack equipped with a teal vest, a grappling hook, and a foldable rocket-powered snowboard. Her vehicle, a teal, silver, and orange snowcat, serves as her pup house off-missions. It features a claw/grabber and a medical sled in the back compartment. Additionally, she uses a grapple for aerial object handling.
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What is the backstory of Everest before she joined the PAW Patrol? toggle section
Everest, the husky on PAW Patrol, resided in the South Pole where she honed her rescue skills with local penguins. Her life took a turn when she saved Jake from a snow cliff fall. Post this event, she was inducted into the PAW Patrol by Ryder. Everest then relocated to the mountain with Jake, assisting in snowboarder and skier rescues, and serving as a reserve PAW Patrol member.
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Everest lived on the South Pole when she saved Jake, who was just about to fall off a snow cliff. Everest was then told about the PAW Patrol, whom she got to meet near the end of "The New Pup." She was made an official member (with her own badge) by Ryder during a camping trip before the episode ended. So far, she is the 7th canine member of the team, and she is the 2nd female member. Description

Ice and snow, we’re ready to go! Everest is the PAW Patrol’s mountain rescue pup! Growing up in the Arctic made this outdoorsy pup a wilderness whiz. Whenever there’s trouble in the snowy mountains or lush forests of Adventure Bay, Everest’s skills make her just the pup for the job. Everest’s survival smarts and skills make saving the day no sweat.

PAW Description

Everest is a female Husky pup who lives on the mountain with Jake. She was made an official member of the PAW Patrol after helping them with a rescue mission. She may live in a snowy, cold place, but her heart is warm. Always ready to lend a paw, Everest is playful, fearless, and full of energy. There's nothing in the rule book that says a dog can't clear snow and keep Adventure Bay safe!

PAW Patrol LIVE! Description

The most recent pup to join the PAW Patrol, Everest is a fearless and feisty eight-year-old Husky pup and the team’s amazing forest ranger. She’s completely at home in the wild and is a big help to Jake up on his mountain. Everest comes down to join the team for any rescue in the snow or the woods.


Everest is an enthusiastic, kind, and helpful pup who loves performing rescues. She is very good friends with Jake, whom she is very affectionate towards. Even before she joined the PAW Patrol, she enjoyed rescuing penguins. She went out of her way to help Jake when they first met, by quickly offering him shelter in her igloo, guiding him through the storm, and digging a makeshift shelter to warm him up. She admits that she felt rather lonely without anyone to talk to and was overjoyed when he offered for her to stay with him.

Everest also loves to eat anything liver flavored, such as liver flavored pup treats, and liver itself.

She is shown to be quite hyperactive and playful. She likes snow-related activities, as well as anything to do with nature. She is more tomboyish than Skye, but they're still best friends despite their differences.


Everest is a young husky pup. She has grayish-lavender fur (similar in color to Rocky's) and has white fur on her paws, chest, and belly. Her tail also is grayish-lavender, with white fur on the bottom. She has blue eyes and white ears. She also wears a knit hat that is yellow and teal in color which she is rarely seen without. Her normal outfit consists of a teal jacket with a orange trim, and white fluff.


Here is a gallery of Everest's attires throughout the series.

Equipment and Gadgets

Pup Tag

Like all of the PAW Patrol pups, Everest has her own personalized pup tag. Hers is bright teal, with a shape of an Evergreen tree symbol on it, due to her status as the snow rescue pup, a lot of places with them having trees. It is used to communicate with Ryder, the Lookout, and the other PAW Patrol pups. When in use, the pup tag flashes its light. The pup tag also has a special mechanism, which allows the PAW Patrol pups to make video calls to other PAW Patrol members. Her Mighty Pups pup tag has a massive snowflake on it.

Pup Pack

Everest's pup-pack is equipped with her teal vest. It features a grappling hook and contains a foldable rocket-powered snowboard (the latter revealed in "Pups Save a Snowboard Competition").



Everest's vehicle is a teal, silver and orange snowcat. She uses it as her pup house when she is not doing missions. The snowcat also features a claw/grabber to grab and displace large objects such as tree limbs. Her vehicle has a back compartment containing a medical sled, which may be deployed to help transport animals/people in need. The snow plow can clear snow from its path as it's going, so the route is easier to travel. Her vehicle number is 09.

Mighty Snowcat


In "Jet to the Rescue", Everest rides a silver jet with teal and orange highlights that has two modes: stealth and rescue. When in stealth mode, it can travel the skies without being detected. When in rescue mode, its wings pop out. Everest uses a grapple to grab and carry objects in the air.

Skills and Abilities

Everest, as shown in the series, is a hyperactive puppy. She is good at "belly-bogganing" (sliding down hills on her belly), and is good at saving people, like the rest of the PAW Patrol. She saved Jake in "The New Pup" by biting on to his pants, just before he fell off a cliff. She is very good with digging holes in snow banks.

When in her Mighty Pup form, she can freeze things with her ice breath.


Original PAW Patrol members
Chase | Marshall | Rocky | Rubble | Ryder | Skye | Zuma
Secondary/occasional PAW Patrol members
Al | Arrby | Cap'n Turbot | Coral | Ella | Everest | Liberty | Rex | Robo-Dog | Roxi | Sweetie | Tracker | Tuck | Wild
Cat Chase | Cat Marshall | Cat Rocky | Cat Rubble | Cat Skye | Cat Zuma | Mayor Humdinger | Meow-Meow
Ruff-Ruff Pack team members
Dwayne | Gasket | Hubcap
Cat Pack team members
Leo | Rory | Shade | Wild
Junior Patrollers team members
Mini | Nano | Tot
Auntie Crane | Charger | Grandpa Gravel | Mix | Motor | Rubble | Wheeler
Mini Patrol members
Alex Porter | Bunny | Cali | Chickaletta | Little Hootie | Squeak | Star
Baby mer-pup | Coral | Kelp | Mama mer-pup | Moby
Other dogs
Apollo the Super-Pup | Barney | Captain Blackfur | Boomer | Claw | Delores | Gus | Harris | Penny | Pupaletta | Rocket | Skye's siblings | Sylvia | Timber | Tracker's great-grand-dog
Other cats
The Copycat | Henry and Elizabeth | Kassandra the Cruelest Kitten | Precious | Precious' brother | Unnamed black cat | Unnamed brown cat | Unnamed gray cat
Sea animals
Baby walrus pup | Baby whale | Crab | Dolphins (Baby dolphin | Dolphin) | Eel | Giant baby octopus | Giant octopus | Giant sea slug | Giant squid | Hammerhead | Lobster | Manta ray | McSquidly | Mother whale | Narly | Narwhal whale | Sawfish | Sea slug babies | Seahorse | Shark | Sherman | Tropical fish | Walinda | Wally
Farm animals
Baby goats | Benny | Bessie | Bettina | Bettina's calf | Ebenezer | Edwena | Emma and Corny | Garbie | Jenny | Lambs | Lenny | Marley | Mindy Moo | Moona Lisa | Mooreen | Piglets | Priscilla | Sheep | Truffles
Jungle animals
Baby snakes | Big Hairy | Friendly snake | Gigantopithecus | Gilda | Gilda's brother | Gilda's mother | Happy | Hidden jungle butterfly | Hidden jungle crocodiles | Hidden jungle elephants | Hidden jungle falcons | Hidden jungle hippos | Hidden jungle meerkats | Hidden jungle monkeys | Hidden jungle rhinos | Hidden jungle sloths | Hidden jungle snapping turtles | Hidden jungle tigers | Little Hairy | Mama Snake | Mammoths | Mandy | Mandy's father | Mandy's mother | Mandy's teenage brother | Matea | Matea's chick | Molly | Mula Terca | Panther | Patch | Quickly | Randy | Sabre-tooth tiger | Snort
Prehistoric animals
Baby stegosaurus | Baby triceratops | Benny | Brachiosaurus | Dream triceratops | Dream triceratops baby | Gigantopithecus | Pterodactyl (Maverick) | Sabre-tooth tiger | Stegosaurus | Terry | Terry's mother | Terry's siblings | Timmy | Triceratops | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Tyrese | Utahraptor | Velociraptors
Blizzy | Draco | Dragon | Flame | Jade | Mama Dragon | Ruby | Scorch | Sparks | Unnamed Red Dragons
Other animals
Antelopes | Antony | Ants | Baby bat | Baby hippos | Baby ostriches | Bats | Bayberry | Bears (Benny (bear) | Spot) | Big Bill | Blue-beaked albatross | Blue-footed booby bird | Bruce | Buddy | Bullfrogs | Bunnies | Butterflies (Blue) | Captain Gordy | Catfish | Chicken guards | Chipmunks | Chompy | Crocodile | Crows | Crunchy | Daisy | Ducks | Ebenezer | Eunice and Ellie | Father wolf | Felicia | Frank | Frogusta | Frogs | Fuzzy | Geese | Gophers | Heidi Hopper | Hops | Jean-Claude | Jenny | Joey (kangaroo | turtle) | Jumpy Jumper | Leo | Little eagle | Little Wolfy | Loop | Male eagle | Mama eagle | Mama Hootie | Maynard | Mayor Goodwhiskers | Mice | Mindy | Mother wolf | Mountain goats | Mountain lion cubs | Mr. Ducky Doo | Mr. McTurtle | Myrna | Olivia | Oscar | Penguins | Polar bears | Queen bee | Roostario | Rumbletop white tigers | Rusty | Santa Claus' reindeer | Seagulls | Skunk | Smiley | Songbirds | Speedy Steve | Spider King | Squirrels | Super Squirrelly Whirly | Sweetfoot | Sweetie's pony | Tickle Spiders | Turtles | Unnamed baby deer | Unnamed female deer | Unnamed male deer | Unnamed worm | Waddle | Water snakes | Whiskers | White tiger cub | White tiger mom | White wolf cub | Wingsy | Wolf | Wolfette | Wolves | Xander
Adventure Bay residents | Adventure City prison guard | Arizona Goodway | Barkingburg residents | Beamy | Builder Cove residents | Butch | Butler of Barkingburg Castle | Café Carl | Cake judge | Cameraman | Camerawoman | Camila | Cap'n Turbot | Carmen | Cassie | The Cheetah | Chili and pizza judge | Cletus | Coach Karima | Cora Colors | Cowgirl Beryl | Dierdre | Dr. Tammy Turbot | Earl of Barkingburg | Farmer Al | Farmer Al's dad | Farmer Yumi | Farmer Zoe | Flight controller | Francois Turbot | Glasses Dude | Grocer Gabriel | Grover Goodway | Gus | Gustavo Goodway | Hailey Daily | Hank | Hank Hammer | Helga Humdinger | Hot air balloon pilot | Hurricane Harrigan | Inspector Inez | Jake | Janet | Juniper | Katie's grandmother | Kendra Wilson | Ladybird | Lionel Lightspeed | Luke Stars | Mailman | Marty Muckraker | Mayor Goodway | Mayor Greatway | Mayor Humdinger | Mr. Carter | Mr. Hudson | Mr. Porter | Mr. Wingnut | Mrs. Claus | Mrs. Wingnut | Ms. Marjorie | Omar | Otis Goodway | Park Ranger Rose | Percy | Precious' owner's father | Precious' owner's mother | Radio announcer | Raimundo | Ref | Riff Rockenbock | River | RoboCo Rep | Roger | Ron Rapidfire | Ruben | Sam Stringer | Santa Claus | Shopkeeper Shelley | Sir Harold of Hoppingtown | Sir Nigel of Oinkington | Speed Meister | Spud | Suzie | Syd Skedaddle | The Great Wendini | The Whoosh | Tilly Turbot | Tony | Toodles | Tough Guy | Traveling Travis | Victoria Vance | Wild Wilbur | Willy Widewheels Jr. | Winnie Winnington | Yoga Yvette
Kids and teenagers
Ace Sorensen | Alex Porter | Carlos | Codi Gizmody | Danny | Duke of Flappington | Eddie | Emmy | Foggy Bottom Boomers | Harold Humdinger | Henry | Jeremy the Genie | Julius Goodway | Julia Goodway | Katie | Lily | Little boy | Lucas | Precious' owner | Princess of Barkingburg | Ryder | Sarah | Shaw | Sid Swashbuckle | Sierra Sparkle | Taylor Turbot
Robots and machines
Busby | Digi | Earl | Elly-Dee | Lightning Bolt | Meow-Meow | Pupinator | Robo-Dog | Seabee | Smart Home 3000 | Tal | Waiter Bot
Adventure Bay Snow Monster | Baby Space Rocks | Frankie | Jim Gaffigan | Humsquatch | Purple Space Rock | Rubble-Double | Space Alien | Space Alien's mother | Yellow Space Rock