The Kitten Catastrophe Crew (also known as the Kit-tastrophe Crew) are a villainous faction of kittens owned and led by Mayor Humdinger. They live in Foggy Bottom with Mayor Humdinger and will do what they are asked, but sometimes they can be stubborn and disobey or even outsmart Mayor Humdinger. They are considered villains and the PAW Patrol's enemies, even though they helped clean up their mess at the end of "Pups and the Mischievous Kittens". After Everest's debut, the KCC stopped getting new members even though new pups (as well as Wild and the Cat Pack) were added to the PAW Patrol.
In "Pup-Fu!", it is shown that they have a secret lair built into the rocks on Foggy Bottom's shoreline and are based in the town of Foggy Bottom where Humdinger serves as Mayor. The lair has a computer monitor which Mayor Humdinger can use to spy on Mayor Goodway, Ryder and the PAW Patrol.
As of Season 9, The Kitten Catastrophe Crew are seen as less bad and get annoyed by Mayor Humdinger's ridiculous plans, but still occasionally follow orders from him.
They serve as six of the ten secondary antagonists of the series, along with Arrby, Busby, Sparks and McSquidly. Description
Mayor Goodway has the PAW Patrol, Mayor Humdinger has the Kitty Catastrophe Crew! They’re a group of six, mischievous little kittens the Mayor brought together to look after Foggy Bottom. There’s Marshall Kitty, Rubble Kitty, Chase Kitty, Rocky Kitty, Zuma Kitty, Skye Kitty, and of course, Meow Meow. Hey, those names sound kind of familiar…
The Kitten Catastrophe Crew has the following members:
- Mayor Humdinger (leader)
- Cat Chase
- Cat Marshall
- Cat Skye
- Cat Rocky
- Cat Rubble
- Cat Zuma
- Meow-Meow
- Harold Humdinger (leader's nephew)
- The Cheetah (leader's cousin)