PAW Patrol Wiki
PAW Patrol Wiki
For Finnish dub broadcast by Yle TV2, see Ryhmä Hau.
Season Premiere
Nickelodeon (Finland and Norway):
November 4, 2013
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia Pacific):
November 24, 2013
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
October 2016
Nickelodeon (Finland and Norway):
December 8, 2014
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia Pacific):
February 13, 2015
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
October 2016
Nickelodeon (Finland and Norway):
April 18, 2016
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia Pacific):
May 1, 2016
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
October 12, 2016
Nickelodeon (Finland and Norway):
June 12, 2017
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
August 26, 2017
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
September 17, 2018
Nick Jr. (Europe 2):
September 24, 2019

PAW Patrol is a Finnish-dubbed version of PAW Patrol. It is aired on Nickelodeon (Finland and Norway), Nick Jr. (Europe 2), and Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific). It is also available on SkyShowtime.

Characters and cast

Most names are the same as the original English names. However, some are localized names:

Original names Finnish names Voice actors
Alex Porter Alex Porter
Cali Cali
Cap'n Horatio Turbot Kapteeni Horatio Turbot
Captain Blackfur Kapteeni Mustaturkki
Chase Chase
Chickaletta Chickaletta
Everest Everest
Farmer Al Farmeri Al
Francois Turbot Francois Turbot
Jake Jake
Jeremy Jeremy
Jumpy Jumper Loikkeliini
Katie Katie
Mandy Mandy
Marshall Marshall
Mayor Goodway Pormestari Goodway
Mr. Porter Hra Porter
Rocky Rocky
Rubble Rubble
Ryder Ryder
Santa Claus Joulupukki
Skye Skye
Smiley Smiley
Walinda Walinda
Wally Wally
Zuma Zuma


# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Make a Splash Laiva merihädässä Ship in Distress
1B Pups Fall Festival Syysmarkkinat Fall Fair
2A Pups Save the Sea Turtles Kilpikonnat pulassa Turtles in Trouble
2B Pups and the Very Big Baby Valtava vauvavalas Huge Baby Whale
3A Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe Kissanpentu karkuteillä Kitten at Large
3B Pups Save a Train Kivivyöry Rock Slide
4A Pup Pup Boogie Hauhau-boogie Woof Woof Boogie
4B Pups in a Fog Sumuongelma Fog Problem
5A Pup Pup Goose Hanhenpoikanen Gosling
5B Pup Pup and Away Kisa taivaalla Competition in the Sky
6A Pups on Ice Pulmia rinteessä Problems on the Slope
6B Pups and the Snow Monster Hirveä lumihirviö Terrible Snow Monster
7A Pups Save the Circus Tehtävä sirkuksessa Task in the Circus
7B Pup A Doodle Do Kana karkuteillä Chicken at Large
8A Pups Pit Crew Kolmipyörä Tricycle
8B Pups Fight Fire Palokoiraennätys Fire Dog Record
9A Pups Save the Treats Tehtävä heikoilla jäillä Task on Weak Ice
9B Pups Get a Lift Hiihtohissi Ski Lift
10 Pups and the Ghost Pirate Aavelaivassa kummittelee On the Haunted Ghost Ship
11 Pups Save Christmas Joulua pelastamassa Saving Christmas
12A Pups Get a Rubble Uusi jäsen New Member
12B Pups Save a Walrus Mursu pulassa Walrus in Trouble
13A Pups Save the Bunnies Pupulauma Rabbit Flock
13B Pup-tacular Pentunäyttely Puppy Show
14A Pups Save the Bay Pennut pelastavat lahden Puppies Save the Bay
14B Pups Save a Goodway Pennut pelastavat Goodwayn Puppies Save Goodway
15A Pups Save a Hoedown Pennut pelastavat lehmät Puppies Save the Cows
15B Pups Save Alex Pennut ja pelastaja-Alex Puppies and Rescuer Alex
16A Pups Save a School Day Pennut pelastavat koulupäivän Puppies Save a School Day
16B Pups Turn on the Lights Pennut korjaavat valot Puppies Fix the Lights
17A Pups Save a Pool Day Pennut pelastavat uimapäivän Puppies Save a Swimming Day
17B Circus Pup-formers Sirkuksen temppupennut Circus' Stunt Puppies
18 Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt Pääsiäismunajahti Easter Egg Hunt
19A Pups Save a Super Pup Superpentu pulassa Super Puppy in Trouble
19B Pups Save Ryder's Robot Robokoira karkuteillä Robo-dog at Large
20A Pups Go All Monkey Karannut apina Escaping Monkey
20B Pups Save a Hoot Pöllöä pelastamassa Saving an Owl
21A Pups Save a Bat Pennut ja lepakko Puppies and a Bat
21B Pups Save a Toof Hammaslääkäri Dentist
22A Pups Save the Camping Trip Telttaretken pelastajat Camping Trip's Rescuers
22B Pups and the Trouble with Turtles Harhailevat kilpikonnat Wandering Turtles
23A Pups and the Beanstalk Pennut ja jätti-Alex Puppies and Giant Alex
23B Pups Save the Turbots Miehet pulassa Men in Trouble
24A Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie Pulmia merellä ja majakassa Problems at Sea and in the Lighthouse
24B Pups Save Ryder Ryder kiipelissä Ryder in a Mess
25A Pups Great Race Suuri katukisa Big Street Race
25B Pups Take the Cake Erikoinen kakku Special Cake
26 Pups and the Pirate Treasure Mustaturkin aarre Blackfur's Treasure

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Penguins Salaperäiset kalavarkaat Mysterious Fish Thieves
1B Pups Save a Dolphin Pup Eksynyt pikku-delfiini Straying Little Dolphin
2A Pups Save the Space Alien Avaruusolento pulassa Alien in Trouble
2B Pups Save a Flying Frog Lentävä sammakko Flying Frog
3A Pups Save Jake Jake kiipelissä Jake in a Mess
3B Pups Save the Parade Leijuva amme Floating Bathtub
4A Pups Save the Diving Bell Ongelmia merenpohjassa Problem on the Seabed
4B Pups Save the Beavers Majavien uusi koti Beavers' New Home
5A Pups Save a Ghost Salaperäinen aave Mysterious Ghost
5B Pups Save a Show Pentujen näytelmä The Puppies' Play
6 The New Pup Uusi pentu New Puppy
7A Pups Jungle Trouble Ongelmia viidakossa Problems in the Jungle
7B Pups Save a Herd Paimennuskisat Herding Competitions
8A Pups and the Big Freeze Jäisiä ongelmia Icy Problems
8B Pups Save a Basketball Game Koripallo-ottelu Basketball Match
9A Pups Save an Ace Lentäjä pulassa Pilot in Trouble
9B Pups Save a Wedding Häiden pelastajat Wedding's Rescuers
10A Pups Save a Talent Show Kykykilpailut Ability Competition
10B Pups Save the Corn Roast Popcornia yllin kyllin Abundant Popcorn
11A Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone Marshall yksin kotona Marshall Home Alone
11B Pups Save the Deer Porot pulassa Deer in Trouble
12A Pups Save the Parrot Kadonnut papukaija Missing Parrot
12B Pups Save the Queen Bee Mehiläisten uusi koti Bees' New Home
13 Pups Save a Mer-pup Merenpennut Mer-puppies
14A Pups Save an Elephant Family Elefanttiperhe pulassa Elephant Family in Trouble
14B Pups and the Mischievous Kittens Vallattomat kissanpennut Mischievous Kittens
15A Pups Save a Friend Ystävä hukassa Friend in Loss
15B Pups Save a Stowaway Salamatkustaja Stowaway
16A Pups' Adventures in Babysitting Lapsenvahtipennut Babysitter Puppies
16B Pups Save the Fireworks Ilotulituksen hurmaa Firework Wonder
17A Pups Save a Sniffle Nuhaiset pennut Sneezy Puppies
17B Pups and the Ghost Cabin Hurja aavemökki Rattling Ghost Cabin
18A Pups Save an Adventure Paloturvallisuutta Fire Safety
18B Pups Save a Surprise Huikea yllätys Huge Surprise
19 Pup-fu! Käärö Scroll
20A Pups Save the Mayor's Race Suuri pormestarikisa Big Mayor Race
20B Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot Villi-Wilburin ryöstösaalis Wild Wilbur's Loot
21A Pups Save Walinda Walinda pulassa Walinda in Trouble
21B Pups Save a Big Bone Dinosauruksen luu Dinosaur Bone
22A Pups Save a Floundering Francois Pennut valkovalaan jäljillä Puppies on the White Whale's Track
22B Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins Seikkailulahden pingviinit Adventure Bay Penguins
23A Pups Save a Snowboard Competition Lumilautailukisat uhattuna Snowboard Games Under Threat
23B Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea Lemmikit sukelluspinteessä Pets in Diving Trouble
24A Pups Save a Pizza Pitsakemut Pizza Party
24B Pups Save Skye Skye pulassa Skye in Trouble
25A Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show Konserttijärjestelyt Concert Setup
25B Pups Save an Eagle Kotka pulassa Eagle in Trouble
26 Pups Bark with Dinosaurs Dinosaurukset valloillaan Dinosaurs on the Loose

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Find a Genie Pennut ja henki Puppies and a Genie
1B Pups Save a Tightrope Walker Nuorallakävelijä pulassa Tightrope Walker in Trouble
2A Pups Save a Goldrush Kullanhuuhtoja Goldpanners
2B Pups Save the PAW Patroller Pennut pelastavat PAW Patrollerin Puppies Save the PAW Patroller
3A Pups Save the Soccer Game Jalkapallo-ottelu Soccer Match
3B Pups Save a Lucky Collar Uusi onnenkaulapanta New Luck Collar
4A Pups Save Alex's Mini-patrol Alexin uusi mini-patrol Alex's New Mini-patrol
4B Pups Save a Lost Tooth Kadonnut etuhammas Lost Incisor
5 Air Pups Ilmassa In the Air
6 Pups Save Friendship Day Ystävyydenpäivä Friendship Day
7A Pups Save Apollo Apollo pulassa Apollo in Trouble
7B Pups Save the Hippos Virtahevot karkuteillä Hippopotamuses on the Run
8A Pups Save Daring Danny X Peloton Danny pulassa Daring Danny in Trouble
8B Pups in a Fix Korjauskierre Repairing Twist
9A Pups Save a Dragon Ilkeä lohikäärme Mean Dragon
9B Pups Save Three Little Pigs Kolme pientä possua Three Little Pigs
10A Pups Save a Stinky Flower Haiseva kukka Stinky Flower
10B Pups Save a Monkey-naut Apinautti pulassa Monkey-naut in Trouble
11A Pups Save the Polar Bears Jääkarhujen pelastajat Rescuers of the Polar Bears
11B A Pup in Sheep's Clothing Pentu lampaan vaatteissa Puppy in Sheep's Clothing
12A Pups Save a School Bus Koulubussin korvaaja The School Bus Substitute
12B Pups Save the Songbirds Varastetut linnut Stolen Birds
13A Pups Save Old Trusty Vesisuihkuja Geysers
13B Pups Save a Pony Poni kiipelissä Pony in a Mess
14A Pups Save a Robo-saurus Karannut robosaurus Runaway Robo-saurus
14B Pups Save a Film Festival Elokuvafestivaalit Film Festival
15 Tracker Joins the Pups! Tracker liittyy joukkoon Tracker Joins the Group
16A Pups Bear-ly Save Danny Karhumainen ongelma Bearly Problem
16B Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips Pormestarin tulppaanit The Mayor's Tulips
17A All Star Pups! Urheilijapennut Athlete Puppies
17B Pups Save Sports Day Urheilupäivä Sports Day
18A Pups in a Jam Murkkuvorot Ant Thieves
18B Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig Purjelautaileva possu Windsurfing Piggy
19A Pups Get Growing Jättivihannekset Giant Vegetables
19B Pups Save a Space Toy Pennut ja avaruuslelu Puppies and a Space Toy
20A Pups Get Skunked Haisunäätä Skunk
20B Pups and a Whale of a Tale Valashippa Whale Tag
21A Parroting Pups Matkijapapukaija Imitating Parrot
21B Merpups Save the Turbots Avuliaat merenpennut Helpful Merpuppies
22 The Pups' Winter Wonder Show Pentujen talvinen esitys The Puppies' Winter Show
23A Pups Save the Gliding Turbots Turbotin serkukset pulassa Turbot Cousins in Trouble
23B Pups Save a Plane Pulmia ilmassa Problems in the Air
24A Pups Save a Giant Plant Pennut ja jättikasvi Puppies and a Giant Plant
24B Pups Get Stuck Magneettipulmia Magnet Problems
25A Pups Raise the PAW Patroller PAW Patroller upoksissa PAW Patrol Underwater
25B Pups Save the Crows Varastelevat varikset Thieving Crows
26A Pups Save Their Floating Friends Pennut pelastavat leijuvat ystävät Puppies Save the Floating Friends
26B Pups Save a Satellite Pennut ja satelliitti Puppies and a Satellite

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save a Blimp Ilmalaiva Airship
1B Pups Save the Chili Cook-off Tulinen kokkauskilpailu Fiery Cooking Competition
2A Pups Save a Teeny Penguin Pikku-pingviini pulassa Little Penguin in Trouble
2B Pups Save the Cat Show Kissanäyttely Cat Show
3A Pups Save a Playful Dragon Leikkivä lohikäärme Playful Dragon
3B Pups Save the Critters Matelijat karkuteillä Reptiles on the Run
4 Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown Tehtävä Tassu: Kadonnut kruunu Mission Paw: Missing Crown
5A Pups Save a Sleepover Eläinten yöseikkailu The Animals' Night Adventure
5B Pups Save the Carnival Karnevaalikaaos Carnival Chaos
6A Pups Save Jake's Cake Jaken kakku vaarassa Jake's Cake in Danger
6B Pups Save a Wild Ride Vaaratilanne Riskirinteellä Danger on the Risky Hillside
7A Mission PAW: Royally Spooked Tehtävä Tassu: Ylhäinen säikähdys Mission Paw: Frightened
7B Pups Save Monkey-dinger Taikanaamion pauloissa Enchanted Magic Mask
8A Pups Save the Flying Food Lennokasta ruokaa Lifted Food
8B Pups Save a Ferris Wheel Uusi maailmanpyörä New Ferris Wheel
9A Pups Save a Sleepwalking Bear Unissakävelevä karhu Sleepwalking Bear
9B Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny Villin lännen seikkailu Wild West Adventure
10 Mission PAW: Pups Save the Royal Throne Tehtävä Tassu: Kadonnut valtaistuin Mission Paw: Missing Throne
11A Pups Save Big Hairy Iso karvaturri Big Hairy
11B Pups Save a Flying Kitty Lentävä kissanpentu Flying Kitten
12A Pups Party with Bats Lepakkojuhlat Bat Party
12B Pups Save Sensei Yumi Sensei Yumi Sensei Yumi
13 Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Baby Octopus Mustekala kateissa Missing Octopus
14A Pups Save the Runaway Kitties Pörrökisut karkuteillä Puffy Kitties on the Run
14B Pups Save Tiny Marshall Pikkuruinen Marshall Tiny Marshall
15A Pups Chill Out Hajonnut jäätelöauto Broken Ice Cream Truck
15B Pups Save Farmer Alex Farmari Alex pulassa Farmer Alex in Trouble
16A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Shark Meripartio: Haikala pulassa Sea Patrol: Shark in Trouble
16B Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pier Meripartio: Romahtanut laituri Sea Patrol: Collapsed Pier
17A Pups Save a Space Rock Kivi avaruudesta Rock from Space
17B Pups Save a Good Mayor Pormestari vaelluksella Mayor on the Hike
18A Pups Save a City Kitty Kaupunkilaiskissa City Cat
18B Pups Save a Cloud Surfer Pilvisurffaaja pulassa Cloud Surfer in Trouble
19 Sea Patrol: Pirate Pups to the Rescue Meripartio: Piraattipennut pelastajina Sea Patrol: Pirate Puppies as Rescuers
20A Pups Save the Mail Postimies pulassa Postman in Trouble
20B Pups Save a Frog Mayor Sammakkopormestari Frog Mayor
21A Pups Save the Runaway Turtles Karanneet kilpikonnat Runaway Turtles
21B Pups Save the Shivering Sheep Palelevat lampaat Freezing Sheep
22A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Frozen Flounder Meripartio: Kapu Turbotin jäätynyt alus Sea Patrol: Captain Turbot's Frozen Ship
22B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Narwhal Meripartio: Sarvivalas pulassa Sea Patrol: Sea Patrol in Trouble
23A Pups Save Luke Stars Luke Stars pulassa Luke Stars in Trouble
23B Pups Save Chicken Day Kunniakana kadoksissa Missing Honorary Chicken
24A Pups Save Francois the Penguin Francois-pingviini pulassa Penguin Francois in Trouble
24B Pups Save Daring Danny's Hippo Skeittaileva virtahepo Skateboarding Hippopotamus
25A Pups Save Baby Humdinger Humdinger-vauva pulassa Baby Humdinger in Trouble
25B Pups Save a Piñata Alexin juhlat vaarassa Alex's Party in Danger
26 Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis Meripartio: Pennut ja kadonnut Haulantis Sea Patrol: Puppies and the Lost Wooflantis

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Kitty Rescue Crew Kisujen pelastustiimi pulassa Kitty Rescue Team in Trouble
1B Pups Save an Ostrich Strutsi karkuteillä Ostrich on the Run
2A Pups Save Big Paw Varasteleva Isotassu Thieving Big Paw
2B Pups Save the Hum-mover Pormestarin kiitävä vaara The Mayor's Speedy Danger
3A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Sunken Sloop Meripartio ja uponnut laiva Sea Patrol and the Sunken Ship
3B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Wiggly Whale Meripartio ja vikuroiva valas Sea Patrol and the Wiggly Whale
4A Pups Save a High-flying Skye Vaaratilanne yläilmoissa Danger Situation Up in the Air
4B Pups Go for the Gold Kultakimpale Gold Nugget
5A Pups Save an Extreme Lunch Lounas vaarallisessa paikassa Lunch in a Dangerous Place
5B Pups Save a Cat Burglar Piirakkavaras Pie Thief
6A Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Flying Diving Bell Lentävä sukelluskello Flying Diving Bell
6B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Soggy Farm Tila veden varassa Condition in Water Danger
7A Pups Save the Butterflies Kummalliset perhoset Strange Butterflies
7B Pups Save an Underground Chicken Maanalainen kana Underground Chicken
8A Pups Save the Bookmobile Kirja-auto karkuteillä Bookmobile on the Run
8B Pups Save Heady Humdinger Humdinger-vyöry Humdinger Rockfall
9 Sea Patrol: Pups Save Their Pirated Sea Patroller Varastettu merialus Stolen Sea Patroller
10A Pups Save the PawPaws Papaijat pulassa Papayas in Trouble
10B Pups Save a Popped Top Katto katollaan Upside-down Roof
11 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Royal Kitties Ylhäiset kisut Royal Kitties
12A Pups Save the Snowshoeing Goodways Pormestari lumikenkäilee Snowshoeing Mayor
12B Pups Save a Duck Pond Tyhjä ankkalampi Empty Duck Pond
13A Sea Patrol: Pups Save Tilly Turbot Meripartio ja Tilly-mummi Sea Patrol and Grandma Tilly
13B Pups Save an Upset Elephant Hätääntynyt norsu Anxious Elephant
14 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers Pennut pelastavat tiikerit Puppies Save the Tigers
15A Rocky Saves Himself Rocky pelastaa itsensä Rocky Saves Himself
15B Pups and the Mystery of the Driverless Snow Cat Salaperäinen kuskiton lumitraktori Mysterious Driverless Snow Cat
16A Pups Save the Trick-or-Treaters Keppostelijoiden karkit Trick-or-treaters' Candies
16B Pups Save an Out of Control Mini Patrol Pennut pelastavat riehaantuneen mini-patrolin Puppies Save an Out-of-control Mini Patrol
17 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster Elokuvahirviö karkuteillä Film Monster on the Run
18A Mission PAW: Pups Save a Royal Concert Pennut ylhäisessä konsertissa Puppies at a Royal Concert
18B Mission PAW: Pups Save the Princess' Pals Prinsessan eläinystävät The Princess' Animal Friends
19A Pups and the Werepuppy Hurja pentususi Werepuppy
19B Pups Save a Sleepwalking Mayor Unissaan kävelevä pormestari Sleepwalking Mayor
20A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save a Swamp Monster Suo-olennon pelastaminen Swamp-monster Rescue
20B Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Hidden Golden Bones Kadonneet kultaiset luut Lost Golden Bones
21A Pups Save a Cuckoo Clock Käkikello karkuteillä Cuckoo Clock on the Run
21B Pups Save Ms. Marjorie's House Ongelmia neiti Marjorien luona Problems with Ms. Marjorie's House
22A Pups Save Thanksgiving Kiitospäivän kalkkuna Thanksgiving Turkey
22B Pups Save a Windy Bay Outo tuulenpuhuri Strange Wind Blow
23A Pups Save a Frozen Camp Out Luminen telttailuretki Snowy Camping Trip
23B Pups Save the Fizzy Pickles Vallattomat maustekurkut Fizzy Pickles
24A Pups Save a Pluck-o-matic Villiintynyt noukkinaattori Wild Plucker
24B Pups Save a Mascot Maskotti pulassa Mascot in Trouble
25 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save a Runaway Stargazer Teleskooppi karkuteillä Telescope on the Run
26A Pups Save Ace's Birthday Surprise Acen syntymäpäiväyllätys Ace's Birthday Surprise
26B Pups Save a Tower of Pizza Pitsatorni karkuteillä Pizza Tower on the Run

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Jungle Penguins Viidakkopingviinit kiipelissä Jungle Penguins in a Mess
1B Pups Save a Freighter Rahtialus vaarassa Freighter in Danger
2A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop a Meltdown Erikoistehtävä: Sulattava säde Ultimate Rescue: Heat Ray
2B Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones Erikoistehtävä: Kadonneiden kännyköiden arvoitus Ultimate Rescue: Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones
3A Pups Save a Melon Festival Melonifestivaalien huijari Melon-festival Cheater
3B Pups Save a Cow Lehmän yllätys A Cow's Surprise
4A Pups Save the Honey Varastettu hunaja Stolen Honey
4B Pups Save Mayor Goodway's Purse Käsilaukkukana kadoksissa Missing Purse Chicken
5A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Mountain Climbers Erikoistehtävä: Vuorikiipeilijät pulassa Ultimate Rescue: Mountain Climbers in Trouble
5B Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save Captain Gordy Erikoistehtävä: Kapteeni Gordyn ongelma Ultimate Rescue: Captain Gordy's Problem
6A Pups and the Stinky Bubble Trouble Löyhkäävä kuplaongelma Stinky-bubble Trouble
6B Pups Save the Baby Ostriches Strutsivauvoja pelastamassa Baby-ostrich Rescue
7A Pups Save Gustavo's Guitar Gustavon kitara katoaa Gustavo's Guitar Is Missing
7B Pups Save the Yoga Goats Joogavuohi vaarassa Yoga Goats in Danger
8A Pups Save Bedtime Nukkuva jättiapina Sleeping Giant Monkey
8B Pups Save Chickaletta's Egg Kananmuna karkuteillä Egg on the Run
9 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack Taitotassuiset superpennut: Superkisujen hyökkäys Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Attack of the Super Kitties
10A Pups Save a Manatee Manaatti pulassa Manatee in Trouble
10B Pups Save Breakfast Siirappiongelmia Breakfast Problem
11A Pups Save the Land Pirates Eksyneet maamerirosvot Lost Land Pirates
11B Pups Save the Birdwatching Turbots Lintubongarit ongelmissa Birdwatchers in Trouble
12 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Meet the Mighty Twins Superpennut: Mahtavat kaksoset Mighty Pups: Mighty Twins
13A Pups Save a Freaky Pup-day Pentu vieraassa vartalossa Puppy in an Unfamiliar Body
13B Pups Save a Runaway Mayor Säntäilevä pormestari Runaway Mayor
14A Pups Save a Bat Family Uusi koti lepakoille New Home for the Bats
14B Pups Save a Mud Monster Rinteiden mutahirviö Mud Monster on the Slopes
15A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Giant Chicken Taitotassuiset superpennut: Jättiläiskana Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Giant Chicken
15B Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop Harold's Deep Freeze Taitotassuiset superpennut: Syväjäässä Mighty Pups, Super Paws: In Deep Freeze
16A Pups Save the Balloon Pups Ilmapallopennut vaarassa Balloon Puppies in Danger
16B Pups Save the Spider Spies Hämähäkkimäinen ongelma Spidery Problem
17A Pups Save the Bears Karhut kaupungissa Bears in the City
17B Pups Save a Farmerless Farm Farmariton farmi vaarassa Farmerless Farm in Danger
18A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups and the Big Twin Trick Taitotassuiset superpennut: Elävät patsaat Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Living Statues
18B Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Mega Mayor Taitotassuiset superpennut: Megapormestari Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Mega Mayor
19A Pups Save a White Wolf Sudenpentu kiipelissä Wolfcub in a Mess
19B Pups Save a Wrong Way Explorer Eksyvä reissumies pulassa Lost Traveller in Trouble
20A Pups Save the Squirrels Oravaongelmia Squirrel Problems
20B Pups Save a Roo Kengurujahti Kangaroo Hunt
21 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. the Copycat Superpennut latingissa: Matkijan hyökkäys Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Copycat's Attack
22A Pups Save a Humsquatch Hum-jalka pulassa Humsquatch in Trouble
22B Pups Stop a Far Flung Flying Disc Frisbeen lento The Frisbee's Flight
23A Pups Rescue a Rescuer Pelastajaa pelastamassa Rescuer-rescuing
23B Pups Save the Phantom of the Frog Pond Sammakkolammen aave Ghost of the Frog Pond
24A Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot Superpennut latingissa: Paha botti Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Bad Bot
24B Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. the Dome Superpennut latingissa: Kuvun arvoitus Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Dome Mystery
25A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Opening Ceremonies Erikoistehtävä: Avajaisseremonia Ultimate Rescue: Opening Ceremonies
25B Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Adventure Bay Games Erikoistehtävä: Seikkailulahden kisat Ultimate Rescue: Adventure Bay Games
26A Pups Save a Tour Bus Turistibussi Tour Bus
26B Pups Save Midnight at the Museum Keskiyöllä museossa In the Museum at Midnight

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Humdinger Horde Superpennut latingissa: Humdinger-heput Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Humdingers
1B Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Save a Mighty Lighthouse Superpennut latingissa: Supermajakka vaarassa Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Lighthouse in Danger
2A Pups Save Election Day Vaalipäivä Election Day
2B Pups Save the Bubble Monkeys Kupla-apinat pulassa Bubble Monkeys in Trouble
3A Pups Save an Antarctic Martian Etelänavan marsilainen South-pole Martian
3B Pups Save the Maze Explorers Sokkeloseikkailu Maze Adventure
4 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. Three Super Baddies Superpennut latingissa: Kolme superpahista Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Three Super Baddies
5A Pups Save a Waiter Bot Tarjoilubotti vauhdissa Waiter Bot on the Run
5B Pups Stop a Pie-clone Hurja piiraspyörre Wild Pie Vortex
6 Dino Rescue: Pups and the Lost Dino Eggs Dinopelastus: Kadonneet dinosaurusten munat Dino Rescue: Lost Dinosaur Eggs
7A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Pterodactyl Dinopelastus: Pterodactyl pulassa Dino Rescue: Pterodactyl in Trouble
7B Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble Dinopelastus: Tulivuorenpurkaus Dino Rescue: Volcano Eruption
8 Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Hum-dino Dinopelastus: Hum-dino kiipelissä Dino Rescue: Hum-dino in a Mess
9A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Sore Dino Dinopelastus: Dinon hammassärky Dino Rescue: Dino Toothache
9B Dino Rescue: Pups Save the Triceratops Tag-alongs Dinopelastus: Hurjaa vauhtia kiitävä triceratops Dino Rescue: Fast-flying Triceratops
10A Pups Save the Big Bad Bird Crew Kana ja kumppanit karkuteillä Chicken and Company on the Run
10B Pups Save a Soapbox Derby Mäkiautokisan kelmi Soapbox-car Race Rascal
11A Pups Save the Skydivers Vaara kielekkeellä Danger on the Ledge
11B Pups Save the Cupcakes Kuppikakut vaarassa Cupcakes in Danger
12 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Pupmobiles Erikoistehtävä: Varastetut pentuautot Ultimate Rescue: Stolen Pupmobiles
13A Pups Save a Lost Gold Miner Ongelmia kultakaivoksessa Problems in the Gold Mine
13B Pups Save Uncle Otis from His Cabin Otis-setä älykodin vankina Uncle Otis Smart-home Prisoner
14A Pups Save a Rocket Roller Skater Rullaluistelijat pulassa Roller Skaters in Trouble
14B Pups Save Ryder's Surprise Työkalut väärissä käsissä Tools in the Wrong Hands
15A Pups Save the Marooned Mayors Pilkkijäpormestarit pulassa Ice-fishing Mayors in Trouble
15B Pups Save the Game Show Rodeomaisia ongelmia Rodeo Problems
16A Pups Save the Chalk Art Liitutaide vaarassa Chalk Art in Danger
16B Pups Save the Hot Potato Kadonnut erikoisperuna Missing Special Potato
17 Pups Save a Bah Humdinger Joulunvietto vaarassa Christmas Celebration in Danger
18A Pups Save Little Hairy Pikkuturri pulassa Little Hairy in Trouble
18B Pups Save a Kooky Climber Kahjo kiipeilijä vaarassa Kooky Climber in Danger
19A Pups Save Queen Cluck-cluck Kuningatar Kotko Queen Cluck-cluck
19B Pups Save a Desert Flounder Aavikko-Kampela Desert Flounder
20 Moto Pups: Pups vs. the Ruff-ruff Pack Prätkäpennut: Pennut vs. Räyhärakit Moto Pups: Puppies vs. the Ruff-ruff Pack
21A Pups Save a Trash-dinger Roskadinger vauhdissa Trash-dinger on the Move
21B Pups Save the Royal Armor Kuninkaallinen haarniska Royal Armor
22A Moto Pups: Pups Save the Donuts Prätkäpennut: Donitsiongelmia Moto Pups: Donut Problem
22B Moto Pups: Pups Save the Kitties Prätkäpennut: Kisut kiipelissä Moto Pups: Kitties in a Mess
23 Moto Pups: Pups Save a Moto Mayor Prätkäpennut: Prätkäpormestari pulassa Moto Pups: Moto Mayor in Trouble
24A Moto Pups: Rescue at Twisty Top Mesa Prätkäpennut: Pelastus pöytävuorella Moto Pups: Rescue at the Table Mountain
24B Moto Pups: Pups Save a Sneezy Chase Prätkäpennut: Aivastelupulmia Moto Pups: Sneezing Trouble
25A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop a Junk-monster
title unavailable
25B Pups Save the Whale Pod Vedenalaisia ongelmia Underwater Problems
26A Pups Save Thundermouth Tarinoiden Ukkoskita Legendary Thundermouth
26B Pups Save a Class Pet Luokan lemmikki vaarassa Class Pet in Danger

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save a Runaway Rooster Karkurikukkoa jahtaamassa Chasing a Runaway Rooster
1B Pups Save a Snowbound Cow Lumilautaileva lehmä Snowboarding Cow
2A Pups Save a Sweet Mayor Suklainen pormestari Chocolate Mayor
2B Pups Save a Magic Trick Taikatempun puput Magic-trick Bunnies
3A Pups Save a Rubble-Double Kopio-Rubblen koitos Copy Rubble's Trial
3B Pups Save a Clown Pelle pulassa Clown in Trouble
4 Pups Stop the Cheetah Cheetahia jahtaamassa Chasing the Cheetah
5A Pups Save the Mustache Viiksien perässä After the Moustache
5B Pups Save the Funhouse Karnevaalien pelastajat Carnival Rescuers
6A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Water Walker Vesisaapastelijan kiperä paikka Tight Spot for a Water Walker
6B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Windsurfer Purjelautailija pulassa Windsurfer in Trouble
7A Pups Save the Hiding Elephants Piileskelevät elefantit nalkissa Hiding Elephants Trapped
7B Pups Save a Yodeler Pennut pelastavat jodlaajan Puppies Save a Yodeler
8A Pups Save the Dizzy Dust Express Huimahiekka Express karkuteillä Dizzy Express on the Run
8B Pups Save the Treetop Trekkers Puunlatvapimut pulassa Treetop Ladies in Trouble
9A Pups Save the Treasure Cruise Aarreristeily Treasure Cruise
9B Pups Save Rocket Ryder Raketti-Ryder Rocket Ryder
10A Pups and Katie Stop the Barking Kitty Crew Pennut ja Katie pysäyttävät haukkukissojen tiimin Puppies and Katie Stop the Barking Cat Team
10B Pups Save the Glasses Silmälasit uppeluksissa Glasses Underwater
11A Pups vs. a Neon Humdinger Pennut ja neon-Humdinger Puppies and Neon Humdinger
11B Pups Save a Royal Painting Pennut pelastavat muotokuvan Puppies Save a Portrait
12A Pups Save a Chicken Tulip Kanatulppaani Chicken Tulip
12B Pups Stop an Xtreme Shark Huikean hain karkuretki An Extreme Shark's Escape
13A Pups Save a Show Jumper Sammakkohyppyjä Frog Jumps
13B Pups Save the Salmon Lohia auttamassa Helping Salmon
14A Pups vs. Ouchy Paws Autsis-tassu Ouchy Paws
14B Pups Save a Glow-in-the-Dark Party Pimeässä hohtavat juhlat Glowing-in-the-dark Party
15 Rescue Knights: Quest for the Dragon's Tooth Penturitarit: Lohikäärmeen hammas Rescue Knights: The Dragon's Tooth
16A Pups Stop a Super Shaker Superravistaja Super Shaker
16B Pups Save a Flying Farmhouse Lentävä maatalo Flying Farmhouse
17A Pups Save a Box Fort Laatikkolinnake Box Fort
17B Pups Save Travelin' Travis from Really Big Bill! Reissumies Travis ja Isonokkasaari Travelin' Travis from Big Bill Island
18 Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Dozing Dragon Penturitarit: Uinuva lohikäärme Rescue Knights: Sleeping Dragon
19A Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Tournament Penturitarit: Turnajaiset Rescue Knights: Tournament
19B Rescue Knights: Pups Save the Baby Dragons Penturitarit: Lohikäärmeen poikaset Rescue Knights: The Dragon's Babies
20A Rescue Knights: Pups Break the Ice Penturitarit: Jäänsärkijä Rescue Knights: Ice Breaker
20B Rescue Knights: Pups Save Excalibark Penturitarit: Excalimurre Rescue Knights: Excalibark
21A Dancing with Luke Stars Tanssii Luken kanssa Dancing with Luke
21B Pups Save a Mischievous Octopus Ilkikurinen mustekala pulassa Mischievous Octopus in Trouble
22A Pups Save the Kitties and the Kiddies Kisujen ja lasten luolaseikkailu The Kitties' and the Children's Cave Adventure
22B Pups Save a Greenhouse Kasvihuonetta pelastamassa Saving the Greenhouse
23A Pups Save the Floating Goodways Ajelehtiva kolmikko vaarassa Floating Trio in Danger
23B Pups Save the Portable Pet Wash Varastettu liikkuva eläinpesuri Stolen Mobile Pet Wash
24A Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus Yksinäinen mursu pulassa Lonely Walrus in Trouble
24B Pups Save the Hummy Gummies Hummy-namien yllätyssuosio Surprising Popularity of the Hummy Gummies
25A Cat Pack: Rubble and Wild and a Yarn Ball! Jättilankakerä karkuteillä Giant Ball on the Run
25B Cat Pack: Skye and Rory Flip It Yhteispelastus Joint Rescue
25C Cat Pack: Marshall, Leo and a Ferris Wheel Pulmia maailmanpyörässä Troubles on the Ferris Wheel
25D Cat Pack: Everest, Shade and the Mountain Goat Lumivuohen pelastus Rescue of the Mountain Goat
26A Pups Stop a Big Leak Vetinen ongelma Watery Problem
26B Pups Save a Baby Anteater Kiitävä muurahaiskarhu Speeding Anteater
26C Pups Save a Hatch Day Kuoriutumispäivä Hatch Day
26D Pups Save the Munchie Mobile Herkkuauto jään vankina Trapped in the Snack Mobile

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Liberty Makes a New Friend Liberty saa uuden ystävän Liberty Gets a New Friend
1B Pups Save the Pup Pup Boogie Contest Hauhau-boogie -kilpailu Pup Pup Boogie Contest
2 Pups Meet the Cat Pack Pennut tapaavat Kattijengin Puppies Meet the Cat Pack
3A Cat Pack: Rocket Rescuers Kattijengi/PAW Patrol -tehtävä: Karannut raketti Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Mission: Runaway Rockets
3B Cat Pack: The Golden Lion Mask Kattijengi/PAW Patrol -tehtävä: Kultainen naamio Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Mission: Golden Mask
4A Cat Pack: The Cat That Roared Kattijengi/PAW Patrol -tehtävä: Kissa joka ärjyi Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Mission: The Cat That Roared
4B Cat Pack: Saving the Safe Kattijengi/PAW Patrol -tehtävä: Kassakaappi Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Mission: The Safe
5A Pups Save a Humdinger Doll Humdinger-nukke pulassa Humdinger Doll in Trouble
5B Pups Save a Sand Sculpture Contest Hiekkaveistoskilpailu uhattuna Sand Sculpture Contest in Danger
6 Big Truck Pups: Pups Stop a Flood Rekkapennut pysäyttävät tulvan Truck Pups Stop a Flood
7A Pups Save the Tooth Fairy Hammaskeiju pulassa Tooth Fairy in Trouble
7B Pups Solve the Mystery of the Missing Art Kadonneiden taideteoksien arvoitus Mystery of the Missing Art
8A Pups Save the Hatchlings Pikku tiput vaarassa Little Chicks in Danger
8B Pups Save a Wrongway Farmhand Väärin ymmärretyt farmiaskareet Misunderstood Farm Chores
9 Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Bridge Rekkapennut ja huojuva silta Truck Pups and the Swaying Bridge
10A Big Truck Pups: Pups Save a Sliding Chalet Rekkapennut ja lasketteleva maja Truck Pups and the Slalom-skiing Chalet
10B Big Truck Pups: Pups Save a Really Big Dish Rekkapennut ja satelliittiantenni Truck Pups and the Satellite Antenna
11A Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Swiped Speakers Rekkapennut kaiutinvarkaiden jäljillä Truck Pups on the Track of the Echo Thief
11B Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Big Big Pipes Rekkapennut ja valtavat putket Truck Pups and the Enormous Pipes
12A Pups Stop the Return of Humsquatch
title unavailable
12B Pups Save a Lonely Ghost
title unavailable
13A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop a Mighty Eel
title unavailable
13B Mission PAW: Pups Save a Floating Royal Carriage
title unavailable
14 Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Floating Castle
title unavailable
15A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a T-Rex Tyke
title unavailable
15B Pups Save a Playful Elephant Calf
title unavailable
16 All Paws on Deck
title unavailable
17A Pups Save Katie and Some Kitties
title unavailable
17B Pups Save a Helo Humdinger
title unavailable
18 Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Mer-race
title unavailable
19A Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Merdinger
title unavailable
19B Aqua Pups: Pups Save the Whale Patroller
title unavailable
20A Aqua Pups: Pups Save the Reef
title unavailable
20B Aqua Pups: Pups Stop a Giant Squid
title unavailable
21A Pups Save a Flamingo Dancer
title unavailable
21B Pups Save a Mayor and Her Mini
title unavailable
22A Pups Save a Trophy
title unavailable
22B Pups Save the Wind Trekkers
title unavailable
23A Pups Save Alex's Feathery Friends
title unavailable
23B Pups Save a Puffy Mayor
title unavailable
24A Pups Save a Jukebox
title unavailable
24B Pups Save a Mayor on a Wire
title unavailable
25A Pups Save the Baby Space Rocks
title unavailable
25B Pups Save the Eddies and Emmys
title unavailable
26A Charger Visits the Pups
title unavailable
26B Pups Save a Shiny Ride
title unavailable

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Wacky Water Skiers
title unavailable
1B Pups Save the Mayor's Assistant
title unavailable
2A Pups Save a High-flying Hen
title unavailable
2B Pups Save a Sloth
title unavailable
3 Jungle Pups: Pups Find a Hidden Jungle
title unavailable
4A Pups Save a Windswept Polar Bear Cub
title unavailable
4B Pups Save a Drive-in
title unavailable
5A Pups Save Their Digi Tal Friends
title unavailable
5B Pups Save the Rainbow
title unavailable
6 Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Big, Big Animals
title unavailable
7A Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Meerkat Pirates
title unavailable
7B Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Hum-hippo
title unavailable
8A Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Golden Sweetie
title unavailable
8B Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Giant Ants
title unavailable
9A Pups Stop a Gold Finding Machine
title unavailable
9B Pups Help Mayor Humdinger Out of a Jam
title unavailable
10A Liberty's Mountain Rescue
title unavailable
10B Pups Save a Flying Farmer Yumi
title unavailable
11A Pups Stop the Falling Space Junk
title unavailable
11B Pups Stop the Giant Cuckoo
title unavailable
12A Pups Save a Hum-ñata
title unavailable
12B Pups Stop the Foggy Skies
title unavailable
13 Mighty Pups vs. the Mayor of the Universe
title unavailable
14A Charger's Christmas Adventure
title unavailable
14B Pups Save Great Uncle Smiley's Cup
title unavailable
15A Pups Save a Baby Caribou
title unavailable
15B Pups Save Luke and His Luke-alike
title unavailable
16A Mighty Pups vs. the Big Chill
title unavailable
16B Mighty Pups vs. the Mighty Cheetah
title unavailable
17A Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen
title unavailable
17B Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccups
title unavailable
18A Pups Save a Disappearing Flounder
title unavailable
18B Pups Save Little Grandpa and Mr. Alex
title unavailable
19A Pups Save the Elephant Spa
title unavailable
19B Pups Save an Underwater Otis
title unavailable
20A Pups vs. the Hum-flectors
title unavailable
20B Pups Save a Capybara
title unavailable
21A Cat Pack: Pups & Cats Save HumCatDingerMan
title unavailable
21B Pups Save a Turbot Tournament
title unavailable
22A Pups Save a Talkative Mini Patrol
title unavailable
22B Pups Save the History of Adventure Bay
title unavailable
23 Rescue Wheels: Pups Save Adventure Bay!
title unavailable
24A Pups Save a Runaway Robo-chicken Purse
title unavailable
24B Pups Save the Buggy Trekkers
title unavailable
25A Pups Take in a Runaway Kitty!
title unavailable
25B Pups Save the Cheese Goat!
title unavailable
26 Rescue Wheels: Pups vs. the Monster Mayor
title unavailable

# Original title Finnish title
Title Translation
1A Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Teetering Tower
title unavailable
1B Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Spelunkers
title unavailable
2A Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Risky Race
title unavailable
2B Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Runaway Truck
title unavailable
3A Pups Plus a Plucky Chicken
title unavailable
3B Pups Save a Pet Show
title unavailable
4A Pups Save Helga & the Humsquatch
title unavailable
4B Pups Save the Missing Bone-stone
title unavailable
5A Pups Save the Director
title unavailable
5B Pups Save the Super Cows
title unavailable
6 Air Rescue: Pups Save the Airport Opening
title unavailable
7A Pups Save the Mountain Surfers
title unavailable
7B Pups Save Humdingers Home Away from Home
title unavailable
8A Pups Get Your Goat
title unavailable
8B Pups Save the Crop Circles
title unavailable
9 Air Rescue: Pups Save a Hum-stronaut
title unavailable
10A Air Rescue: Pups Stop a Rocket-powered Pogo Stick
title unavailable
10B Air Rescue: Pups Save the Sky-high Stunt Show
title unavailable
11A Air Rescue: Pups vs. the Hum-cloud
title unavailable
11B Air Rescue: Pups Stop the Mid-air Magnet
title unavailable

Home media

DVD Episodes
Ryhmä Hau Valaanpoika pulassa & muita seikkailuja DVD Valaanpoika pulassa & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups and the Very Big Baby
  • Pups Save the Sea Turtles
  • Pups Make a Splash
  • Pups in a Fog
  • Pups Save a Walrus
Ryhmä Hau Liukkaalla jäällä & muita seikkailuja DVD Liukkaalla jäällä & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups on Ice
  • Pups Save the Treats
  • Pups Fall Festival
  • Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe
  • Pups Save a Train
Ryhmä Hau Pääsiäismunajahti & muita seikkailuja DVD Pääsiäismunajahti & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt
  • Pup Pup Boogie
  • Pup Pup Goose
  • Pup Pup and Away
  • Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie
Ryhmä Hau Ilonpitoa sirkuksessa & muita seikkailuja DVD Ilonpitoa sirkuksessa & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Circus
  • Circus Pup-formers
  • Pup A Doodle Do
  • Pups Pit Crew
  • Pups Fight Fire
Ryhmä Hau Kadonneet porkkanat & muita seikkailuja DVD Kadonneet porkkanat & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Bunnies
  • Pups and the Beanstalk
  • Pups Get a Lift
  • Pup-tacular
  • Pups Save Alex
Ryhmä Hau Tyhjä uima-allas & muita seikkailuja DVD Tyhjä uima-allas & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Pool Day
  • Pups Get a Rubble
  • Pups Save the Bay
  • Pups Save a Goodway
  • Pups Save a Hoedown
Ryhmä Hau Suuri kakkukisa & muita seikkailuja DVD Suuri kakkukisa & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Take the Cake
  • Pups Turn on the Lights
  • Pups Save a Super Pup
  • Pups Save Ryder's Robot
  • Pups Save a Hoot
Ryhmä Hau Ensimmäinen koulupäivä & muita seikkailuja DVD Ensimmäinen koulupäivä & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a School Day
  • Pups Go All Monkey
  • Pups Great Race
  • Pups Save a Bat
  • Pups Save a Toof
Ryhmä Hau Salainen aarrekartta & muita seikkailuja DVD Salainen aarrekartta & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups and the Pirate Treasure
  • Pups and the Ghost Pirate
  • Pups Save Ryder
Ryhmä Hau Joulu pelastuu & muita seikkailuja DVD Joulu pelastuu & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save Christmas
  • Pups and the Snow Monster
  • Pups Save the Camping Trip
  • Pups and the Trouble with Turtles
  • Pups Save the Turbots
Ryhmä Hau Suloinen delfiinivauva ja muita seikkailuja DVD Suloinen delfiinivauva ja muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Penguins
  • Pups Save a Dolphin Pup
  • Pups Save the Space Alien
  • Pups Save a Flying Frog
  • Pups Save Jake
Ryhmä Hau Salaperäinen kummitus & muita seikkailuja DVD Salaperäinen kummitus & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Parade
  • Pups Save the Diving Bell
  • Pups Save the Beavers
  • Pups Save a Ghost
  • Pups Save a Show
Ryhmä Hau Uusi koiranpentu & muita seikkailuja DVD Uusi koiranpentu & muita seikkailuja
  • The New Pup
  • Pups Jungle Trouble
  • Pups Save a Herd
  • Pups and the Big Freeze
Ryhmä Hau Suuri hääpäivä & muita seikkailuja DVD Suuri hääpäivä & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Basketball Game
  • Pups Save an Ace
  • Pups Save a Wedding
  • Pups Save a Talent Show
  • Pups Save the Corn Roast
Ryhmä Hau Pennut pelastavat papukaijan & muita seikkailuja DVD Pennut pelastavat papukaijan ja muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone
  • Pups Save the Deer
  • Pups Save the Parrot
  • Pups Save the Queen Bee
  • Pups Save a Mer-pup
Ryhmä Hau Norsuvauvan karkumatka & muita seikkailuja DVD Norsuvauvan karkumatka & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save an Elephant Family
  • Pups and the Mischievous Kittens
  • Pups Save a Friend
  • Pups Save a Stowaway
  • Pups' Adventures in Babysitting
Ryhmä Hau Hauska yllätys & muita seikkailuja DVD Hauska yllätys & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Fireworks
  • Pups Save a Sniffle
  • Pups and the Ghost Cabin
  • Pups Save an Adventure
  • Pups Save a Surprise
Ryhmä Hau Kadonnut mursu & muita seikkailuja DVD Kadonnut mursu & muita seikkailuja
  • Pup-fu!
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Race
  • Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot
  • Pups Save Walinda
Ryhmä Hau Talvinen lumilautakisa & muita seikkailuja DVD Talvinen lumilautakisa & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Big Bone
  • Pups Save a Floundering Francois
  • Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins
  • Pups Save a Snowboard Competition
  • Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
Ryhmä Hau Kolme dinosaurusvauvaa ja muita seikkailuja DVD Kolme dinosaurusvauvaa ja muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Pizza
  • Pups Save Skye
  • Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show
  • Pups Save an Eagle
  • Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
PAW Patrol The Football Game & Other Stories DVD Jalkapallopeli & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Find a Genie
  • Pups Save a Tightrope Walker
  • Pups Save a Goldrush
  • Pups Save the PAW Patroller
  • Pups Save the Soccer Game
PAW Patrol The Lost Tooth & Other Stories DVD Kadonnut hammas & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Lucky Collar
  • Pups Save Alex's Mini-patrol
  • Pups Save a Lost Tooth
  • Air Pups
PAW Patrol The Friendship Day & Other Stories DVD Ystävyyden päivä & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save Friendship Day
  • Pups Save Apollo
  • Pups Save the Hippos
  • Pups Save Daring Danny X
PAW Patrol The Stinky Flower & Other Stories DVD Haiseva kukka & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups in a Fix
  • Pups Save a Dragon
  • Pups Save Three Little Pigs
  • Pups Save a Stinky Flower
  • Pups Save a Monkey-naut
PAW Patrol The Polar Bears & Other Stories DVD Jääkarhut & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save the Polar Bears
  • A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
  • Pups Save a School Bus
  • Pups Save the Songbirds
  • Pups Save Old Trusty
PAW Patrol The Little Pony & Other Stories DVD Pikkuponi & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Pony
  • Pups Save a Robo-saurus
  • Pups Save a Film Festival
  • Tracker Joins the Pups!
PAW Patrol The Hungry Bears & Other Stories DVD Nälkäiset karhut & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Bear-ly Save Danny
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips
  • All Star Pups!
  • Pups Save Sports Day
  • Pups in a Jam
PAW Patrol The Windsurfing Pig & Other Stories DVD Surffaava possu & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig
  • Pups Get Growing
  • Pups Save a Space Toy
  • Pups Get Skunked
  • Pups and a Whale of a Tale
PAW Patrol The Screaming Parrot & Other Stories DVD Huutava papukaija & muita seikkailuja
  • Parroting Pups
  • Merpups Save the Turbots
  • The Pups' Winter Wonder Show
  • Pups Save the Gliding Turbots
  • Pups Save a Plane
PAW Patrol The Giant Plant & Other Stories DVD Jättiläiskasvi & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save a Giant Plant
  • Pups Get Stuck
  • Pups Raise the PAW Patroller
  • Pups Save the Crows
  • Pups Save Their Floating Friends
  • Pups Save a Satellite
PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Welcome to Adventure Bay DVD PAW Patrol: Welcome to Adventure Bay
  • Pups Save Francois the Penguin
  • Pups Save Daring Danny's Hippo
  • Pups Save Baby Humdinger
  • Pups Save a Piñata
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis
PAW Patrol The Playful Dragon & Other Stories DVD The Playful Dragon & Other Stories
  • Pups Save a Blimp
  • Pups Save the Chili Cook-off
  • Pups Save a Teeny Penguin
  • Pups Save the Cat Show
  • Pups Save a Playful Dragon
PAW Patrol The Carnival & Other Stories DVD The Carnival & Other Stories
  • Pups Save the Critters
  • Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown
  • Pups Save a Sleepover
  • Pups Save the Carnival
PAW Patrol The Birthday Cake & Other Stories DVD The Birthday Cake & Other Stories
  • Pups Save Jake's Cake
  • Pups Save a Wild Ride
  • Mission PAW: Royally Spooked
  • Pups Save Monkey-dinger
  • Pups Save the Flying Food
PAW Patrol The Royal Throne & Other Stories DVD The Royal Throne & Other Stories
  • Pups Save a Ferris Wheel
  • Pups Save a Sleepwalking Bear
  • Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny
  • Mission PAW: Pups Save the Royal Throne
PAW Patrol The Huge Monkey & Other Stories DVD The Huge Monkey & Other Stories
  • Pups Save Big Hairy
  • Pups Save a Flying Kitty
  • Pups Party with Bats
  • Pups Save Sensei Yumi
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Baby Octopus
PAW Patrol The Shark & Other Stories DVD The Shark & Other Stories
  • Pups Save the Runaway Kitties
  • Pups Save Tiny Marshall
  • Pups Chill Out
  • Pups Save Farmer Alex
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Shark
PAW Patrol Summer Rescues DVD Nordic Summer Rescues
  • Pups Save the Chili Cook-off]]
  • Pups Save a Sleepover // Pups Save the Carnival
  • Pups Save a Ferris Wheel
  • Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny
  • Pups Save the Fireworks
  • Pups Save a Pool Day
  • Pups Save the Camping Trip
PAW Patrol The Surfer & Other Stories DVD The Surfer & Other Stories
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pier
  • Pups Save a Space Rock
  • Pups Save a Good Mayor
  • Pups Save a City Kitty
  • Pups Save a Cloud-surfer
PAW Patrol The Pirate Pups & Other Stories DVD The Pirate Pups & Other Stories
  • Sea Patrol: Pirate Pups to the Rescue
  • Pups Save the Mail
  • Pups Save a Frog Mayor
  • Pups Save the Runaway Turtles
PAW Patrol The Frozen Flounder & Other Stories DVD The Frozen Flounder & Other Stories
  • Pups Save the Shivering Sheep
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Frozen Flounder
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Narwhal
  • Pups Save Luke Stars
  • Pups Save Chicken Day
PAW Patrol The Fun Party & Other Stories DVD Hauskat juhlat & muita tarinoita
  • Pups Save Francois the Penguin
  • Pups Save Daring Danny's Hippo
  • Pups Save Baby Humdinger
  • Pups Save a Piñata
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis
PAW Patrol Pups and the Pirate Treasure DVD Nordic Pennut ja merirosvoaarre
  • Pups and the Pirate Treasure
  • Pups and the Ghost Pirate
  • Pups Save the Bay
  • Pups Save a Goodway
  • Pups Save a Pool Day
  • Circus Pup-formers
PAW Patrol The Cute Kittens & Other Stories DVD Title unavailable
  • Pups Save the Kitty Rescue Crew
  • Pups Save an Ostrich
  • Pups Save Big Paw
  • Pups Save the Hum-mover
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Sunken Sloop
PAW Patrol The Wiggly Whale & Other Stories DVD Vikuri valas & muita seikkailuja
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Wiggly Whale
  • Pups Save a High-flying Skye
  • Pups Go for the Gold
  • Pups Save an Extreme Lunch
  • Pups Save a Cat Burglar
PAW Patrol The Diving Bell & Other Stories DVD Lentävä sukelluskello & muita seikkailuja
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Flying Diving Bell
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Soggy Farm
  • Pups Save the Butterflies
  • Pups Save an Underground Chicken
  • Pups Save the Bookmobile
PAW Patrol Pups Save the Bunnies DVD Nordic Pups Save the Bunnies
  • Pups Save the Bunnies
  • Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt
  • Pups Get Growing
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips
  • Pups Save a Stinky Flower
  • Pups Save the Songbirds
  • A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
PAW Patrol The Pirated Sea Patroller & Other Stories DVD Ryöstetty Meripartio & muita seikkailuja
  • Pups Save Heady Humdinger
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Their Pirated Sea Patroller
  • Pups Save the PawPaws
  • Pups Save a Popped Top
PAW Patrol The Upset Elephant & Other Stories DVD Köperö norsu & muita seikkailuja
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Royal Kitties
  • Pups Save a Duck Pond
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Tilly Turbot
  • Pups Save an Upset Elephant
PAW Patrol The White Tigers & Other Stories DVD Valkoiset tiikerit & muita seikkailuja
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers
  • Rocky Saves Himself
  • Pups Save an Out of Control Mini Patrol
  • Mission PAW: Pups Save a Royal Concert
  • Mission PAW: Pups Save the Princess' Pals
Cover unavailable Title unavailable
Cover unavailable Title unavailable



PAW Patrol Theme Song Finnish 1


  • The Nickelodeon Finnish version preserves PAW Patrol as both the title of the series and the name of the team.

Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Armenian (voice-over) | Assamese | Azerbaijani (voice-over) | Bangladeshi Bengali | Cantonese Chinese | Central Kurdish | Georgian (voice-over) | Gujarati | Hebrew | Hindi | Indian Bengali | Indonesian | Japanese | Kazakh (Balapan (voice-over) | Nickelodeon) | Kannada | Korean | Mainland Mandarin Chinese | Malay | Malayalam | Marathi | Odia | Persian (Gem Junior | MBC | Soren | ToyToy) | Punjabi | Tagalog | Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Turkish | Urdu | Uzbek (Aqlvoy | Bolajon (voice-over)) | Vietnamese
Albanian (Bang Bang | Pikaboo | Tring) | British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Faroese | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German (Nickelodeon | RTL) | Greek | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Latvian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | Lithuanian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV8 (voice-over)) | Macedonian | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian (Nickelodeon | Viasat (voice-over)) | Serbian | Slovak | Slovene | Swedish | Tatar | Ukrainian | Welsh
Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Hebrew | Indonesian | Kazakh | Korean | Malay | Mandarin Chinese | Thai | Turkish
British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (voice-over) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian (voice-over) | Lithuanian (voice-over) | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovene | Swedish | Ukrainian (Megogo (voice-over) | Nickelodeon)