PAW Patrol Wiki
PAW Patrol Wiki
For German dub broadcast by Super RTL and Toggo Plus, see PAW Patrol – Helfer auf vier Pfoten.
PAW Patrol
PAW Patrol on Nickelodeon Germany

The PAW Patrol title on Nickelodeon (Germany)
Season Premiere
Nickelodeon (Germany and Austria):
November 11, 2013
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific):
November 24, 2013
Nicktoons (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland):
October 17, 2016
Nickelodeon (Germany and Austria):
December 8, 2014
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific):
February 13, 2015
Nickelodeon (Switzerland):
April 15, 2016
Nickelodeon (Germany and Austria):
April 18, 2016
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific):
May 1, 2016
Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific):
August 26, 2017

PAW Patrol is a German-dubbed version of PAW Patrol. It is aired on Nick Jr. (Afro-Eurasia-Pacific) and was aired on Nickelodeon (Germany), Nickelodeon (Austria and Switzerland), and Nicktoons (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland). The dubbing is managed by Hamburger Synchron. This dub was eventually phased out in favor of the newer dub, initially made for RTL but later replaced all episodes on Nickelodeon distribution networks.

Characters and cast

Most names are the same as the original English names. However, some are localized names:

Original names German names Voice actors
Ace Sorensen Ace Sorensen
Alex Porter Alex Porter Christine Pappert
Apollo Apollo
Bessie Bessie
Bettina Bettina
Cali Cali
Cap'n Horatio Turbot Kapitän Turbot Robert Missler
Captain Blackfur Kapitän Schwarzfell
Carlos Carlos
Chase Chase Patrick Bach
Chickaletta Chickaletta
Chompy Chompy
Cornelius "Corny" Cornelius „Corny“
Edwena Edwena
Ellie Ellie
Emma Emma
Eunice Eunice
Everest Everest Lotta Doll
Farmer Al Bauer Al
Farmer Yumi Yumi
Francois Turbot François Turbot Robert Missler
Fuzzy Flauschi
Garbie Garbie
Gilda Gilda
Grover Goodway Grover Goodway
Gustavo Goodway Gustavo Goodway
Jake Jake
Jeremy Jeremy
Julia Goodway Julia Goodway
Julius Goodway Julius Goodway
Jumpy Jumper Hoppla Hopp
Katie Katie Franciska Mirka Friede (S2E3–)
Leo Leo
Little Hootie
Kleiner Tut
Luke Stars Luke Stars
Mandy Mandy
Marley Marley
Marshall Marshall Simona Pahl
Matea Matea
Mayor Goodway Bürgermeisterin Goodway
Mayor Humdinger Bürgermeister Humdinger
Mr. Porter Mr. Porter
Otis Goodway Otis Goodway
Precious Precious
Raimundo Zirkusdirektor Raimundo
Randy Randy
Robo-dog Robo-Hund
Rocky Rocky Dagmar Dreke
Rubble Rubble Oliver Böttcher
Ryder Ryder Tim Kreuer (S1E8–S1E17)
Santa Claus Weihnachtsmann
Skye Skye Mia Diekow
Smiley Smiley
Sylvia Sylvia
The Train Engineer Der Lokführer
Tracker Tracker Robert Knorr
Walinda Walinda
Wally Wally
Zuma Zuma Dagmar Dreke

Dubbing credits

  • Director: Christine Pappert
  • Dubbing coordinator: Monika Norton
  • ADR recordist: Achim Niesche


# Original title German title
Title Translation
1A Pups Make a Splash Rocky will nicht baden Rocky Does Not Want to Bathe
1B Pups Fall Festival Das große Herbstfest The Great Fall Festival
2A Pups Save the Sea Turtles Die Rettung der Meeresschildkröten The Rescue of the Sea Turtles
2B Pups and the Very Big Baby Das Riesenbaby The Big Baby
3A Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe Die Katzastrophe The Cat-tastrophe
3B Pups Save a Train Die Zugrettung The Train Rescue
4A Pup Pup Boogie Der Fellfreund-Boogie The Pup Boogie
4B Pups in a Fog Hunde im Nebel Dogs in the Fog
5A Pup Pup Goose Die Gänse kommen The Geese Are Coming
5B Pup Pup and Away Die Ballonwettfahrt The Balloon Race
6A Pups on Ice Hunde im Schnee Dogs in the Snow
6B Pups and the Snow Monster Das Schneemonster The Snow Monster
7A Pups Save the Circus Was für ein Zirkus What a Circus
7B Pup A Doodle Do Hunde retten Huhn Dogs Save a Chicken
8A Pups Pit Crew Der Boxenstopp The Pit Stop
8B Pups Fight Fire Schneller als die Feuerwehr Faster than the Fire Brigade
9A Pups Save the Treats Leckerlis auf Eis Treats on Ice
9B Pups Get a Lift Rettung aus höchster Not Rescue of Greatest Need
10 Pups and the Ghost Pirate Das Geisterschiff The Ghost Ship
11 Pups Save Christmas Die PAW Patrol rettet Weihnachten The PAW Patrol Save Christmas
12A Pups Get a Rubble Rubble, der Fundhund Rubble the Search Dog
12B Pups Save a Walrus Die Walrossrettung The Walrus Rescue
13A Pups Save the Bunnies Das Kaninchenproblem The Bunny Problem
13B Pup-tacular Die Hundeschau The Dog Show
14A Pups Save the Bay Der Ölteppich The Oil Slick
14B Pups Save a Goodway Großvater über Bord Grandfather Overboard
15A Pups Save a Hoedown Kühe tanzen aus der Reihe Cows Step out of the Line
15B Pups Save Alex Alex auf Rettungsmission Alex on Rescue Mission
16A Pups Save a School Day Alex' erster Schultag Alex's First School Day
16B Pups Turn on the Lights Der Stromausfall The Power Cut
17A Pups Save a Pool Day Fellfreunde auf dem Trockenen Pups High and Dry
17B Circus Pup-formers Der Hundezirkus The Dog Circus
18 Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt Die Ostereiersuche The Easter Egg Search
19A Pups Save a Super Pup Der Super-Fellfreund The Super Pup
19B Pups Save Ryder's Robot Ryders Roboterhund Ryder's Robot Dog
20A Pups Go All Monkey Großes Affentheater Big Monkey Business
20B Pups Save a Hoot Der kleine Tut The Little Hoot
21A Pups Save a Bat Der Flederfreund The Bat Friend
21B Pups Save a Toof Der Wackelzahn The Loose Tooth
22A Pups Save the Camping Trip Die Pfotenfinder The Paw Scout
22B Pups and the Trouble with Turtles Die Schildkrötenkrise The Turtle Crisis
23A Pups and the Beanstalk Die Riesen-Bohnenranke The Giant Beanstalk
23B Pups Save the Turbots Cousin François Cousin Francois
24A Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie Der Leuchtturm-Boogie The Lighthouse Boogie
24B Pups Save Ryder Ryder in Not Ryder in Need
25A Pups Great Race Das große Rennen The Great Race
25B Pups Take the Cake Der Kuchenbackwettbewerb The Cake Baking Competition
26 Pups and the Pirate Treasure Der Piratenschatz The Pirate Treasure

# Original title German title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Penguins Pinguine an Bord Penguins on Board
1B Pups Save a Dolphin Pup Der Delfinfreund The Dolphin Friend
2A Pups Save the Space Alien Der Besucher aus dem All The Visitor from Outer Space
2B Pups Save a Flying Frog Der fliegende Frosch The Flying Frog
3A Pups Save Jake Jake in der Klemme Jake in the Clamp
3B Pups Save the Parade Die Adventure Bay Parade The Adventure Bay Parade
4A Pups Save the Diving Bell Auf Tauchstation On Diving station
4B Pups Save the Beavers Biberprobleme Beaver Problems
5A Pups Save a Ghost Geisterstunde Ghost Hours
5B Pups Save a Show Das Ritterspiel The Knight's Play
6 The New Pup Ein neuer Fellfreund A New Pup
7A Pups Jungle Trouble Einsatz im Dschungel Effort in the Jungle
7B Pups Save a Herd Der Schafhüte-Wettbewerb The Sheep Herding Competition
8A Pups and the Big Freeze Glatteis Slippery Ice
Die Kältewelle(See the Notes section) The Cold Wave
8B Pups Save a Basketball Game Das Basketballspiel The Basketball Game
9A Pups Save an Ace Ein Ass in der Luft An Ace in the Air
9B Pups Save a Wedding Hochzeit mit Hindernissen Wedding with Obstacles
Hochzeit in Gefahr(See the Notes section) Wedding in Danger
10A Pups Save a Talent Show Der Talentwettbewerb The Talent Competition
10B Pups Save the Corn Roast Maiskolben vom Grill Corncobs from the Grill
11A Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone Marshall allein zu Haus Marshall Home Alone
11B Pups Save the Deer Rettet die Rehe Save the Deer
12A Pups Save the Parrot Der Papagei The Parrot
12B Pups Save the Queen Bee Der Bienenumzug The Bee Relocation
13 Pups Save a Mer-pup Die Meerfellfreunde The Mer-pup
14A Pups Save an Elephant Family Die Elefantenfamilie The Elephant Family
14B Pups and the Mischievous Kittens Kätzchenchaos Kitty Chaos
15A Pups Save a Friend PAW Patrol-Pause PAW Patrol Pause
15B Pups Save a Stowaway Der blinde Passagier The Stowaway
16A Pups' Adventures in Babysitting Die PAW Patrol als Babysitter The PAW Patrol as Babysitters
16B Pups Save the Fireworks Das Feuerwerk The Fireworks
17A Pups Save a Sniffle Die Erkältung The Cold
17B Pups and the Ghost Cabin Die Geisterhütte The Ghost Cottage
18A Pups Save an Adventure Das Pfadfinderabenteuer The Scout Adventure
18B Pups Save a Surprise Die Überraschung The Surprise
19 Pup-fu! Fell-Fu Pup-fu
20A Pups Save the Mayor's Race Das Bürgermeisterrennen The Mayor Race
20B Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot Der versteckte Schatz The Hidden Treasure
21A Pups Save Walinda Wally und Walinda Wally and Walinda
21B Pups Save a Big Bone Der Riesenknochen The Giant Bone
22A Pups Save a Floundering Francois Der weiße Wal The White Whale
22B Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins Pinguine auf Abwegen Penguins Astray
23A Pups Save a Snowboard Competition Der Snowboardwettbewerb The Snowboard Competition
23B Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea Abgetaucht Submerged
24A Pups Save a Pizza Der Pizzanotfall The Pizza Emergency
24B Pups Save Skye Skye in Not Skye in Need
25A Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show Die Wuff-'n'-Roll Show The Woof and Roll Show
25B Pups Save an Eagle Der Adler-Notfall The Eagle Emergency
26 Pups Bark with Dinosaurs Die Dinosaurier sind los The Dinosaurs Are Loose

# Original title German title
Title Translation
1A Pups Find a Genie Der Flaschengeist The Bottle Genie
1B Pups Save a Tightrope Walker François, der Seiltänzer Francois the Tightrope Walker
2A Pups Save a Goldrush Im Goldrausch In the Goldrush
2B Pups Save the PAW Patroller Der PAW Patroller ist weg The PAW Patroller Is Away
3A Pups Save the Soccer Game Das Fußballspiel The Soccer Game
3B Pups Save a Lucky Collar Das Glückshalsband The Luck Collar
4A Pups Save Alex's Mini-patrol Alex' Minipatrol Alex's Mini-patrol
4B Pups Save a Lost Tooth Der verlorene Zahn The Lost Tooth
5 Air Pups Fliegende Fellfreunde Flying Pups
6 Pups Save Friendship Day Der Freundschaftstag Friendship Day
7A Pups Save Apollo Super-Rubble Super Rubble
7B Pups Save the Hippos Die Flusspferde The Hippopotamuses
8A Pups Save Daring Danny X Draufgänger Danny X Daredevil Danny X
8B Pups in a Fix Verschlimmbessert Badly Improved
9A Pups Save a Dragon Keine halben Drachen No Half Dragons
9B Pups Save Three Little Pigs Die drei kleinen Schweinchen The Three Little Piggies
10A Pups Save a Stinky Flower Das besondere Geschenk The Special Gift
10B Pups Save a Monkey-naut Der Affen-Naut The Monkey-naut
11A Pups Save the Polar Bears Die Eisbärenzählung The Polar Bear Count
11B A Pup in Sheep's Clothing Ein Fellfreund im Schafspelz A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
12A Pups Save a School Bus Der Schulbus The School Bus
12B Pups Save the Songbirds Die Goldkehlchen The Songbirds
13A Pups Save Old Trusty Der große Geysir The Big Geyser
13B Pups Save a Pony Das schreckhafte Pony The Frightful Pony
14A Pups Save a Robo-saurus Der Robosaurus The Robo-saurus
14B Pups Save a Film Festival Das Filmfestival The Film Festival
15 Tracker Joins the Pups! Hier kommt Tracker Here Comes Tracker
16A Pups Bear-ly Save Danny Eine bärenstarke Rettung A Bear-strong Rescue
16B Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips Der Tulpenwettbewerb The Tulip Competition
17A All Star Pups! Atemberaubende Athleten Breathtaking Athletes
17B Pups Save Sports Day Der Tag des Sports Sports Day
18A Pups in a Jam
title unavailable
18B Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig
title unavailable
19A Pups Get Growing
title unavailable
19B Pups Save a Space Toy
title unavailable
20A Pups Get Skunked
title unavailable
20B Pups and a Whale of a Tale
title unavailable
21A Parroting Pups
title unavailable
21B Merpups Save the Turbots
title unavailable
22 The Pups' Winter Wonder Show Die Winterwunder Show The Winter Wonder Show
23A Pups Save the Gliding Turbots
title unavailable
23B Pups Save a Plane
title unavailable
24A Pups Save a Giant Plant
title unavailable
24B Pups Get Stuck
title unavailable
25A Pups Raise the PAW Patroller
title unavailable
25B Pups Save the Crows
title unavailable
26A Pups Save Their Floating Friends
title unavailable
26B Pups Save a Satellite
title unavailable

# Original title German title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save a Blimp
title unavailable
1B Pups Save the Chili Cook-off
title unavailable
2A Pups Save a Teeny Penguin
title unavailable
2B Pups Save the Cat Show
title unavailable
3A Pups Save a Playful Dragon
title unavailable
3B Pups Save the Critters
title unavailable
4 Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown
title unavailable
5A Pups Save a Sleepover
title unavailable
5B Pups Save the Carnival
title unavailable
6A Pups Save Jake's Cake
title unavailable
6B Pups Save a Wild Ride
title unavailable
7A Mission PAW: Royally Spooked
title unavailable
7B Pups Save Monkey-dinger
title unavailable
8A Pups Save the Flying Food
title unavailable
8B Pups Save a Ferris Wheel
title unavailable
9A Pups Save a Sleepwalking Bear
title unavailable
9B Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny
title unavailable
10 Mission PAW: Pups Save the Royal Throne
title unavailable
11A Pups Save Big Hairy
title unavailable
11B Pups Save a Flying Kitty
title unavailable
12A Pups Party with Bats
title unavailable
12B Pups Save Sensei Yumi
title unavailable
13 Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Baby Octopus
title unavailable
14A Pups Save the Runaway Kitties
title unavailable
14B Pups Save Tiny Marshall
title unavailable
15A Pups Chill Out
title unavailable
15B Pups Save Farmer Alex
title unavailable
16A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Shark
title unavailable
16B Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pier
title unavailable
17A Pups Save a Space Rock
title unavailable
17B Pups Save a Good Mayor
title unavailable
18A Pups Save a City Kitty
title unavailable
18B Pups Save a Cloud Surfer
title unavailable
19 Sea Patrol: Pirate Pups to the Rescue
title unavailable
20A Pups Save the Mail
title unavailable
20B Pups Save a Frog Mayor
title unavailable
21A Pups Save the Runaway Turtles
title unavailable
21B Pups Save the Shivering Sheep
title unavailable
22A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Frozen Flounder
title unavailable
22B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Narwhal
title unavailable
23A Pups Save Luke Stars
title unavailable
23B Pups Save Chicken Day
title unavailable
24A Pups Save Francois the Penguin
title unavailable
24B Pups Save Daring Danny's Hippo
title unavailable
25A Pups Save Baby Humdinger
title unavailable
25B Pups Save a Piñata
title unavailable
26 Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis
title unavailable

Home media

DVD Episodes
PAW Patrol DVD Germany PAW Patrol
  • Pups Save the Sea Turtles // Pups and the Very Big Baby
  • Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe // Pups Save a Train
  • Pup Pup Boogie // Pups in a Fog
  • Pup Pup Goose // Pup Pup and Away
  • Pups Save the Circus // Pup A Doodle Do
PAW Patrol Marshall and Chase on the Case! DVD Germany Marshall und Chase lösen den Fall!
  • Pups Pit Crew // Pups Fight Fire
  • Pups Save a Hoedown // Pups Save Alex
  • Pups Go All Monkey // Pups Save a Hoot
  • Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie // Pups Save Ryder
PAW Patrol Winter Rescues DVD Germany Rettungen im Winter
  • Pups Save Christmas
  • Pups on Ice // Pups and the Snow Monster
  • Pups Save the Treats // Pups Get a Lift
  • Pups Get a Rubble // Pups Save a Walrus
PAW Patrol Pups and the Pirate Treasure DVD Germany Der Piratenschatz
  • Pups and the Pirate Treasure
  • Pups and the Ghost Pirate
  • Pups Save the Bay // Pups Save a Goodway
  • Pups Save a Pool Day // Circus Pup-formers
PAW Patrol Brave Heroes, Big Rescues DVD Germany Tapfere Helden, große Taten
  • Pups Save Jake // Pups Save the Parade
  • Pups Save a Mer-pup
  • Pups Save a Friend // Pups Save a Stowaway
  • Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
PAW Patrol Meet Everest! DVD Germany Ein neuer Fellfreund!
  • The New Pup
  • Pups and the Big Freeze
  • Pups Save the Deer
  • Pups Make a Splash
  • Pups Save a School Day
  • Pups and the Trouble with Turtles
  • Pups Save a Flying Frog
PAW Patrol All Wings on Deck DVD Germany Alle Flügel an Bord
  • Pups Save the Penguins
  • Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins
  • Pups Save the Queen Bee
  • Pups Save a Bat
  • Pups Save an Eagle
  • Pups Save the Parrot
  • Pups Save a Surprise
  • Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
PAW Patrol Pups Save the Bunnies DVD Germany Ostern auf vier Pfoten
  • Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt
  • Pups Save the Bunnies
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips
  • Pups Save a Stinky Flower
  • Pups Save the Songbirds
  • A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
  • Pups Save a Herd
PAW Patrol Sports Day DVD Germany Das Spiel kann losgehen!
  • Pups Save a Basketball Game
  • Pup-fu!
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Race
  • Pups Save a Snowboard Competition
  • Pups Save the Soccer Game
  • Pups Great Race
  • Pups Save a Tightrope Walker
Cover unavailable Title unavailable
  • Pups Save an Ace // Pups Save a Wedding



PAW Patrol Theme Song German


  • The Nickelodeon German version preserves PAW Patrol as both the title of the series and the name of the team.
  • Differences occurred on the title cards of the episode "Pups and the Big Freeze" and "Pups Save a Wedding" where the voiced titles are "Glatteis" and "Hochzeit mit Hindernissen" respectively instead while the commonly listed titles are "Die Kältewelle" and "Hochzeit in Gefahr" respectively.

Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Armenian (voice-over) | Assamese | Azerbaijani (voice-over) | Bangladeshi Bengali | Cantonese Chinese | Central Kurdish | Georgian (voice-over) | Gujarati | Hebrew | Hindi | Indian Bengali | Indonesian | Japanese | Kazakh (Balapan (voice-over) | Nickelodeon) | Kannada | Korean | Mainland Mandarin Chinese | Malay | Malayalam | Marathi | Odia | Persian (Gem Junior | MBC | Soren | ToyToy) | Punjabi | Tagalog | Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Turkish | Urdu | Uzbek (Aqlvoy | Bolajon (voice-over)) | Vietnamese
Albanian (Bang Bang | Pikaboo | Tring) | British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German (Nickelodeon | RTL) | Greek | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Latvian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | Lithuanian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV8 (voice-over)) | Macedonian | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian (Nickelodeon | Viasat (voice-over)) | Serbian | Slovak | Slovene | Swedish | Tatar | Ukrainian | Welsh
Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Hebrew | Indonesian | Kazakh | Korean | Malay | Mandarin Chinese | Thai | Turkish
British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (voice-over) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian (voice-over) | Lithuanian (voice-over) | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovene | Swedish | Ukrainian (Megogo (voice-over) | Nickelodeon)