PAW Patrol Wiki
PAW Patrol Wiki
Season Premiere
Nick Jr. (Italy):
November 25, 2013
Cartoonito (Italy):
June 23, 2014
Nick Jr. (Italy):
November 24, 2014
Cartoonito (Italy):
September 14, 2015
Nick Jr. (Italy):
March 25, 2016
Cartoonito (Italy):
October 2016
Nick Jr. (Italy):
May 2017
Nick Jr. (Italy):
September 2018
Nick Jr. (Italy):
Nick Jr. (Italy):
Nick Jr. (Italy):
Nick Jr. (Italy):
Nick Jr. (Italy):
Nick Jr. (Italy):
August 28, 2024

PAW Patrol, or alternatively known as PAW Patrol - La squadra dei cuccioli, is the Italian-dubbed version of PAW Patrol. It is aired on Nick Jr. (Italy) and Cartoonito (Italy). It is also available on Paramount+. The dubbing is managed by Multimedia Network.

Characters and cast

Most names are the same as the original English names. However, some are localized names:

Original names Italian names Voice actors
Ace Sorensen Ace Sorensen
Alex Porter Alex Porter
Apollo Apollo
Bessie Bessie
Bettina Bettina
Big Paw Zampa Grossa
Cali Cali
Cap'n Horatio Turbot Capitan Orazio Turbot Alberto Bognanni
Captain Blackfur Capitan Barbanera
Carlos Carlos
Chase Chase Maura Cenciarelli
Chickaletta Chickaletta
Danny (Daring Danny X) Danny (Danny X il Temerario)
Cornelius "Corny" Cornelius "Corny"
Edwena Edwena
Ellie Ellie
Emma Emma
Eunice Eunice
Everest Everest Veronica Puccio
Farmer Al Sig Al
Farmer Yumi Yumi Monica Ward
Francois Turbot Francois Turbot
Fuzzy Rotolino
Garbie Garbie
Gilda Gilda
Grover Goodway Grover Goodway
Gustavo Goodway Gustavo Goodway
Jake Jake
Jeremy Jeremy
Julia Goodway Julia Goodway
Julius Goodway Julius Goodway
Jumpy Jumper Saltino Salterino
Katie Katie Ludovica Bebi
Leo Leo
Little Hootie
Luke Stars Luke Stars
Mandy Mandy
Marley Marley
Marshall Marshall Monica Ward
Matea Matea
Maynard Maynard
Mayor Goodway Sindaco Goodway Valeria Perilli
Mayor Humdinger Sindaco Hudminger
Mr. Porter Sig Porter
Ms. Marjorie Marjorie
Precious Precious
Raimundo Raimundo
Randy Randy
Robo-dog Cane Robot (S1–S2)
Robo-cucciolo (S3)
Rocky Rocky Tatiana Dessi
Rubble Rubble Antonella Baldini
Ryder Ryder Federico Campaiola
Santa Claus Babbo Natale
Seabee Seabee
Skye Skye Roberta de Roberto
Smiley Smiley
Star Stella
Sylvia Silvia
Tracker Tracker Ilaria Latini
The Train Engineer Il Macchinista del treno
Walinda Walinda
Wally Wally
Zuma Zuma Monica Bertolotti

Dubbing credits

  • Dubbing directors: Monica Ward (S1–S2), Nicola Bruno (S3), Corrado Conforti (S3)
  • Translators: Sabrina Merlini (S1–S3), Alda Maria Ariani Botto (S1–S2)
  • Theme song adapatation: Francesco Albanese
  • Sound engineer: Claudio Oliviero


# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Make a Splash I cuccioli fanno un tuffo The Puppies Make a Splash
1B Pups Fall Festival La nevicata The Snowfall
2A Pups Save the Sea Turtles I cuccioli salvano le tartarughe marine The Puppies Save the Sea Turtles
2B Pups and the Very Big Baby I cuccioli e il supercucciolo The Puppies and the Super Baby
3A Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe I cuccioli e la gattina The Puppies and the Kitty
3B Pups Save a Train I cuccioli e il treno bloccato The Puppies and the Blocked Train
4A Pup Pup Boogie Pup Pup Boogie Pup Pup Boogie
4B Pups in a Fog Cuccioli nella nebbia Puppies in the Fog
5A Pup Pup Goose La piccola oca The Little Goose
5B Pup Pup and Away La gara in mongolfiera The Race in Hot-air Balloon
6A Pups on Ice Cuccioli sulla neve Puppies on the Ice
6B Pups and the Snow Monster I cuccioli e il mostro delle nevi The Puppies and the Snow Monster
7A Pups Save the Circus I cuccioli salvano il circo The Puppies Save the Circus
7B Pup A Doodle Do Gallinella superstar Chicken Superstar
8A Pups Pit Crew Cuccioli meccanici Mechanic Puppies
8B Pups Fight Fire Il cucciolo pompiere The Fire Puppy
9A Pups Save the Treats I cuccioli salvano i dolcetti The Puppies Save the Treats
9B Pups Get a Lift I cuccioli prendono la seggiovia The Puppies Take the Chairlift
10 Pups and the Ghost Pirate I cuccioli e la nave fantasma The Puppies and the Ghost Ship
11 Pups Save Christmas I cuccioli salvano il Natale The Puppies Save Christmas
12A Pups Get a Rubble I cuccioli incontrano Rubble The Puppies Meet Rubble
12B Pups Save a Walrus I cuccioli salvano Wally The Puppies Save Wally
13A Pups Save the Bunnies I cuccioli salvano i coniglietti The Puppies Save the Bunnies
13B Pup-tacular Un cucciolo spettacolare A Spectacular Puppy
14A Pups Save the Bay I cuccioli salvano la baia The Puppies Save the Bay
14B Pups Save a Goodway I cuccioli salvano il sindaco The Puppies Save the Mayor
15A Pups Save a Hoedown I cuccioli salvano la festa western The Puppies Save the Western Festival
15B Pups Save Alex I cuccioli e Alex salvano Cali The Puppies and Alex Save Cali
16A Pups Save a School Day I cuccioli salvano il primo giorno di scuola The Puppies Save the First School Day
16B Pups Turn on the Lights I cuccioli accendono le luci The Puppies Turn on the Lights
17A Pups Save a Pool Day I cuccioli salvano la piscina The Puppies Save the Swimming Pool
17B Circus Pup-formers Cuccioli da circo Circus Puppies
18 Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt I cuccioli salvano la caccia alle uova di Pasqua The Puppies Save the Hunt After the Easter Eggs
19A Pups Save a Super Pup I cuccioli salvano un super cucciolo The Puppies Save a Super Puppy
19B Pups Save Ryder's Robot I cuccioli salvano il robot di Ryder The Puppies Save Ryder's Robot
20A Pups Go All Monkey I cuccioli e la scimmietta The Puppies and the Little Monkey
20B Pups Save a Hoot I cuccioli salvano il gufo The Puppies Save the Owl
21A Pups Save a Bat I cuccioli salvano un pipistrello The Puppies Save a Bat
21B Pups Save a Toof Il dentino di Alex Alex's Baby Tooth
22A Pups Save the Camping Trip I cuccioli salvano il campeggio The Puppies Save Camping
22B Pups and the Trouble with Turtles I cuccioli e le tartarughe in fuga The Puppies and the Turtles in Escape
23A Pups and the Beanstalk I cuccioli e il fagiolo magico The Puppies and the Magical Bean
23B Pups Save the Turbots I cuccioli salvano i Turbot The Puppies Save the Turbots
24A Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie I cuccioli e il ballo al faro The Puppies and the Dance at the Lighthouse
24B Pups Save Ryder I cuccioli salvano Ryder The Puppies Save Ryder
25A Pups Great Race La grande corsa dei cuccioli The Great Race of the Puppies
25B Pups Take the Cake I cuccioli e la torta The Puppies and the Cake
26 Pups and the Pirate Treasure I cuccioli e il tesoro dei pirati The Puppies and the Pirates' Treasure

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Penguins I cuccioli salvano i pinguini(See the Errors section) The Puppies Save the Penguins
1B Pups Save a Dolphin Pup I cuccioli salvano un piccolo di delfino The Puppies Save a Dolphin Pup
2A Pups Save the Space Alien I cuccioli salvano l'alieno The Puppies Save the Alien
2B Pups Save a Flying Frog I cuccioli salvano un rospo volante The Puppies Save a Flying Frog
3A Pups Save Jake I cuccioli salvano Jake The Puppies Save Jake
3B Pups Save the Parade I cuccioli salvano la parata The Puppies Save the Parade
4A Pups Save the Diving Bell I cuccioli salvano la campana subacquea The Puppies Save the Underwater Bell
4B Pups Save the Beavers I cuccioli salvano i castori The Puppies Save the Beavers
5A Pups Save a Ghost I cuccioli salvano un fantasma The Puppies Save a Ghost
5B Pups Save a Show I cuccioli salvano lo spettacolo The Puppies Save the Show
6 The New Pup Il nuovo cucciolo The New Puppy
7A Pups Jungle Trouble I cuccioli e la scimmia dispettosa The Puppies and the Naughty Monkey
7B Pups Save a Herd I cuccioli salvano un gregge The Puppies Save a Herd
8A Pups and the Big Freeze I cuccioli e il grande freddo The Puppies Save and the Big Freeze
8B Pups Save a Basketball Game I cuccioli salvano una partita di basket The Puppies Save a Basketball Game
9A Pups Save an Ace I cuccioli salvano l'acrobata del cielo The Puppies Save the Sky Acrobat
9B Pups Save a Wedding I cuccioli salvano un matrimonio The Puppies Save a Wedding
10A Pups Save a Talent Show I cuccioli salvano il talent show The Puppies Save the Talent Show
10B Pups Save the Corn Roast I cuccioli salvano la serata delle pannocchie The Puppies Save Corncob Night
11A Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone I cuccioli lasciano Marshall a casa da solo The Puppies Leave Marshall Home Alone
11B Pups Save the Deer I cuccioli salvano i cervi The Puppies Save the Deer
12A Pups Save the Parrot I cuccioli salvano un pappagallo The Puppies Save a Parrot
12B Pups Save the Queen Bee I cuccioli salvano l'ape regina The Puppies Save the Queen Bee
13 Pups Save a Mer-pup I cuccioli salvano una cansirena The Puppies Save a Mer-dog
14A Pups Save an Elephant Family I cuccioli salvano una famiglia di elefanti The Puppies Save an Elephant Family
14B Pups and the Mischievous Kittens I cuccioli e i gatti dispettosi The Puppies and the Naughty Cats
15A Pups Save a Friend I cuccioli salvano un amico The Puppies Save a Friend
15B Pups Save a Stowaway I cuccioli salvano un clandestino The Puppies Save a Stowaway
16A Pups' Adventures in Babysitting I cuccioli diventano baby sitter The Puppies Become Babysitters
16B Pups Save the Fireworks I cuccioli salvano i fuochi d'artificio The Puppies Save the Fireworks
17A Pups Save a Sniffle I cuccioli salvano i maialini The Puppies Save the Piggies
17B Pups and the Ghost Cabin I cuccioli e il fantasma del capanno The Puppies and the Ghost of the Cabin
18A Pups Save an Adventure I cuccioli salvano un'avventura The Puppies Save an Adventure
18B Pups Save a Surprise I cuccioli salvano una sorpresa The Puppies Save a Surprise
19 Pup-fu! Kan-fu! Dog-fu!
20A Pups Save the Mayor's Race I cuccioli salvano la gara dei sindaci The Puppies Save the Race of the Mayors
20B Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot I cuccioli salvano il bottino The Puppies Save the Loot
21A Pups Save Walinda I cuccioli salvano Walinda The Puppies Save Walinda
21B Pups Save a Big Bone I cuccioli salvano un osso enorme The Puppies Save an Enormous Bone
22A Pups Save a Floundering Francois I cuccioli salvano un agitato Francois The Puppies Save an Agitated Francois
22B Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins I cuccioli salvano i pinguini(See the Errors section) The Puppies Save the Penguins
23A Pups Save a Snowboard Competition I cuccioli salvano una gara di snowboard The Puppies Save a Snowboard Competition
23B Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea I cuccioli salvano una gallina di mare The Puppies Save a Sea Chicken
24A Pups Save a Pizza I cuccioli salvano una pizza The Puppies Save a Pizza
24B Pups Save Skye I cuccioli salvano Skye The Puppies Save Skye
25A Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show I cuccioli salvano il concerto The Puppies Save the Concert
25B Pups Save an Eagle I cuccioli salvano un'aquila The Puppies Save an Eagle
26 Pups Bark with Dinosaurs I cuccioli abbaiano con i dinosauri The Puppies Bark with the Dinosaurs

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Find a Genie I cuccioli trovano un genio The Puppies Find a Genie
1B Pups Save a Tightrope Walker I cuccioli salvano un funambolo The Puppies Save a Tightrope Walker
2A Pups Save a Goldrush I cuccioli salvano la corsa all'oro The Puppies Save the Goldrush
2B Pups Save the PAW Patroller I cuccioli salvano il PAW Patroller The Puppies Save the PAW Patroller
3A Pups Save the Soccer Game I cuccioli salvano la partita The Puppies Save the Game
3B Pups Save a Lucky Collar I cuccioli salvano un collare fortunato The Puppies Save a Lucky Collar
4A Pups Save Alex's Mini-patrol I cuccioli salvano la minipatrol di Alex The Puppies Save Alex's Mini-patrol
4B Pups Save a Lost Tooth I cuccioli salvano un dentino perduto The Puppies Save a Lost Tooth
5 Air Pups Cuccioli volanti Flying Puppies
6 Pups Save Friendship Day I cuccioli salvano la festa dell'amicizia The Puppies Save the Friendship Celebration
7A Pups Save Apollo I cuccioli salvano Apollo The Puppies Save Apollo
7B Pups Save the Hippos I cuccioli salvano gli ippopotami The Puppies Save the Hippopotamuses
8A Pups Save Daring Danny X I cuccioli salvano Danny X The Puppies Save Danny X
8B Pups in a Fix Il Robo-cucciolo riparatore The Repairing Robo-dog
9A Pups Save a Dragon I cuccioli salvano un drago(See the Errors section) The Puppies Save a Dragon
9B Pups Save Three Little Pigs I cuccioli salvano tre porcellini The Puppies Save Three Piglets
10A Pups Save a Stinky Flower I cuccioli salvano un fiore puzzolente The Puppies Save a Stinky Flower
10B Pups Save a Monkey-naut I cuccioli salvano la scimmia astronauta The Puppies Save the Astronaut Monkey
11A Pups Save the Polar Bears I cuccioli salvano gli orsi polari The Puppies Save the Polar Bears
11B A Pup in Sheep's Clothing Un cucciolo vestito da pecora A Puppy in Sheep's Clothing
12A Pups Save a School Bus I cuccioli salvano uno scuolabus The Puppies Save a School Bus
12B Pups Save the Songbirds I cuccioli salvano gli uccellini The Puppies Save the Birdies
13A Pups Save Old Trusty I cuccioli salvano un geyser The Puppies Save a Geyser
13B Pups Save a Pony I cuccioli salvano un pony The Puppies Save a Pony
14A Pups Save a Robo-saurus I cuccioli salvano un robosauro The Puppies Save a Robo-saurus
14B Pups Save a Film Festival I cuccioli salvano il festival del cinema The Puppies Save the Film Festival
15 Tracker Joins the Pups! Tracker si unisce alla PAW Patrol Tracker Joins the PAW Patrol
16A Pups Bear-ly Save Danny I cuccioli salvano Danny da un orso The Puppies Save Danny from a Bear
16B Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips I cuccioli salvano i tulipani del sindaco The Puppies Save the Mayor's Tulips
17A All Star Pups! La partita dei cuccioli The Puppies' Game
17B Pups Save Sports Day I cuccioli salvano la giornata dello sport The Puppies Save Sports Day
18A Pups in a Jam I cuccioli e la marmellata The Puppies and the Jam
18B Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig I cuccioli salvano Corny sul windsurf The Puppies Save Windsurfing Corny
19A Pups Get Growing I cuccioli crescono The Puppies Grow
19B Pups Save a Space Toy I cuccioli salvano un giocattolo spaziale The Puppies Save a Space Toy
20A Pups Get Skunked I cuccioli e la puzzola The Puppies and the Skunk
20B Pups and a Whale of a Tale I cuccioli e la balena The Puppies and the Whale
21A Parroting Pups L'imitatore dei cuccioli The Puppies' Imitator
21B Merpups Save the Turbots Le cansirene salvano i Turbot The Merpups Save the Turbots
22 The Pups' Winter Wonder Show Il meraviglioso spettacolo d'inverno dei cuccioli The Puppies' Marvelous Winter Show
23A Pups Save the Gliding Turbots I cuccioli salvano i Turbot volanti The Puppies Save the Flying Turbots
23B Pups Save a Plane I cuccioli salvano un aereo The Puppies Save a Plane
24A Pups Save a Giant Plant I cuccioli salvano una pianta gigante The Puppies Save a Gigantic Plant
24B Pups Get Stuck I cuccioli si bloccano The Puppies Stop
25A Pups Raise the PAW Patroller I cuccioli recuperano il PAW Patroller The Puppies Recover the PAW Patroller
25B Pups Save the Crows I cuccioli salvano i corvi The Puppies Save the Crows
26A Pups Save Their Floating Friends I cuccioli salvano i loro amici volanti The Puppies Save Their Flying Friends
26B Pups Save a Satellite I cuccioli salvano un satellite The Puppies Save a Satellite

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save a Blimp I cuccioli salvano un dirigibile The Puppies Save an Airship
1B Pups Save the Chili Cook-off I cuccioli salvano la gara di cucina The Puppies Save the Cooking Contest
2A Pups Save a Teeny Penguin I cuccioli salvano un piccolo pinguino The Puppies Save a Little Penguin
2B Pups Save the Cat Show I cuccioli salvano la mostra felina The Puppies Save the Cat Show
3A Pups Save a Playful Dragon I cuccioli salvano un drago(See the Errors section) The Puppies Save a Dragon
3B Pups Save the Critters I cuccioli salvano gli animali The Puppies Save the Animals
4 Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown Mission PAW: Alla ricerca della corona Mission PAW: In Search for the Crown
5A Pups Save a Sleepover I cuccioli salvano un pigiama party The Puppies Save a Pyjama Party
5B Pups Save the Carnival I cuccioli salvano la fiera The Puppies Save the Fair
6A Pups Save Jake's Cake I cuccioli salvano la torta di Jake The Puppies Save Jake's Cake
6B Pups Save a Wild Ride I cuccioli salvano una discesa pericolosa The Puppies Save a Dangerous Descent
7A Mission PAW: Royally Spooked Mission PAW: Fantasmi al castello Mission PAW: Ghosts in the Castle
7B Pups Save Monkey-dinger I cuccioli salvano il sindaco scimmia The Puppies Save the Monkey Mayor
8A Pups Save the Flying Food I cuccioli salvano il cibo volante The Puppies Save Flying Food
8B Pups Save a Ferris Wheel I cuccioli salvano la ruota panoramica The Puppies Save the Ferris Wheel
9A Pups Save a Sleepwalking Bear I cuccioli salvano l'orso sonnambulo The Puppies Save the Sleepwalking Bear
9B Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny I cuccioli salvano Danny il cowboy The Puppies Save Danny the Cowboy
10 Mission PAW: Pups Save the Royal Throne Mission PAW: I cuccioli salvano il trono reale Mission PAW: The Puppies Save the Royal Throne
11A Pups Save Big Hairy I cuccioli salvano uno scimmione The Puppies Save a Gorilla
11B Pups Save a Flying Kitty I cuccioli salvano una gattina volante The Puppies Save a Flying Kitty
12A Pups Party with Bats I cuccioli fanno festa con i pipistrelli The Puppies Party with the Bats
12B Pups Save Sensei Yumi I cuccioli salvano sensei Yumi The Puppies Save Sensei Yumi
13 Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Baby Octopus Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un cucciolo di polpo Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Baby Octopus
14A Pups Save the Runaway Kitties I cuccioli salvano i gattini in fuga The Puppies Save the Runaway Kitties
14B Pups Save Tiny Marshall I cuccioli salvano il mini Marshall The Puppies Save Mini Marshall
15A Pups Chill Out Cuccioli sotto zero Subzero Puppies
15B Pups Save Farmer Alex I cuccioli salvano Alex il contadino The Puppies Save Alex the Farmer
16A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Shark Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano uno squalo Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Shark
16B Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pier Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano il molo Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save the Pier
17A Pups Save a Space Rock I cuccioli salvano una roccia spaziale The Puppies Save a Spatial Rock
17B Pups Save a Good Mayor I cuccioli salvano un buon sindaco The Puppies Save a Good Mayor
18A Pups Save a City Kitty I cuccioli salvano una gattina di città The Puppies Save a City Kitty
18B Pups Save a Cloud Surfer I cuccioli salvano un kiter The Puppies Save a Cloud Surfer
19 Sea Patrol: Pirate Pups to the Rescue Sea Patrol: I cuccioli pirata alla riscossa Sea Patrol: The Pirate Puppies to the Rescue
20A Pups Save the Mail I cuccioli salvano la posta The Puppies Save the Mail
20B Pups Save a Frog Mayor I cuccioli salvano il sindaco rana The Puppies Save the Frog Mayor
21A Pups Save the Runaway Turtles I cuccioli salvano le tartarughe in fuga The Puppies Save the Runaway Turtles
21B Pups Save the Shivering Sheep I cuccioli salvano le pecore freddolose The Puppies Save the Chilly Sheep
22A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Frozen Flounder Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano la Flounder ghiacciata Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save the Frozen Flounder
22B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Narwhal Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un narvalo Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Narwhal
23A Pups Save Luke Stars I cuccioli salvano Luke Stars The Puppies Save Luke Stars
23B Pups Save Chicken Day I cuccioli salvano la festa dei polli The Puppies Save Chicken Day
24A Pups Save Francois the Penguin I cuccioli salvano il pinguino Francois The Puppies Save Francois the Penguin
24B Pups Save Daring Danny's Hippo I cuccioli salvano l'ippopotamo di Danny il Temerario The Puppies Save Daring Danny's Hippopotamus
25A Pups Save Baby Humdinger I cuccioli salvano il piccolo Humdinger The Puppies Save Little Humdinger
25B Pups Save a Piñata I cuccioli salvano una pignata The Puppies Save a Piñata
26 Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano Canatlantide Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save Doglantis

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Kitty Rescue Crew I cuccioli salvano la squadra di salvataggio dei gattini The Puppies Save the Cat Rescue Team
1B Pups Save an Ostrich I cuccioli salvano uno struzzo The Puppies Save an Ostrich
2A Pups Save Big Paw I cuccioli salvano Zampa Grossa The Puppies Save Big Paw
2B Pups Save the Hum-mover I cuccioli salvano la Humdi-mobile The Puppies Save the Hum-mover
3A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Sunken Sloop Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un relitto Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Shipwreck
3B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Wiggly Whale Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano una balena agitata Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save an Agitated Whale
4A Pups Save a High-flying Skye I cuccioli salvano Skye The Puppies Save Skye
4B Pups Go for the Gold I cuccioli alla ricerca dell'oro The Puppies on Search for the Gold
5A Pups Save an Extreme Lunch I cuccioli salvano un pranzo estremo The Puppies Save an Extreme Lunch
5B Pups Save a Cat Burglar I cuccioli salvano un ladro di gatti The Puppies Save a Cat Burglar
6A Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Flying Diving Bell Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un batiscafo Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Bathyscaphe
6B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Soggy Farm Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano una fattoria allagata Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Flooded Farm
7A Pups Save the Butterflies I cuccioli salvano le farfalle The Puppies Save the Butterflies
7B Pups Save an Underground Chicken I cuccioli salvano la statua di Chickaletta The Puppies Save the Statue of Chickaletta
8A Pups Save the Bookmobile I cuccioli salvano la biblioteca mobile The Puppies Save the Bookmobile
8B Pups Save Heady Humdinger I cuccioli salvano il sindaco vanitoso The Puppies Save the Vain Mayor
9 Sea Patrol: Pups Save Their Pirated Sea Patroller Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano il Sea Patroller Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save the Sea Patroller
10A Pups Save the PawPaws I cuccioli salvano le papaie The Puppies Save the Papayas
10B Pups Save a Popped Top I cuccioli salvano un tetto The Puppies Save a Roof
11 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Royal Kitties Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano i gattini reali Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save the Royal Kitties
12A Pups Save the Snowshoeing Goodways I cuccioli salvano i Goodway sulla neve The Puppies Save the Goodways Under the Snow
12B Pups Save a Duck Pond I cuccioli salvano lo stagno delle anatre The Puppies Save the Duck Pond
13A Sea Patrol: Pups Save Tilly Turbot Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano Tilly Turbot Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save Tilly Turbot
13B Pups Save an Upset Elephant I cuccioli salvano un elefante agitato The Puppies Save an Agitated Elephant
14 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano le tigri Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save the Tigers
15A Rocky Saves Himself Rocky salva se stesso Rocky Saves Himself
15B Pups and the Mystery of the Driverless Snow Cat I cuccioli e il mistero del gatto delle nevi The Puppies and the Mystery of the Snow Cat
16A Pups Save the Trick-or-Treaters I cuccioli salvano Halloween The Puppies Save Halloween
16B Pups Save an Out of Control Mini Patrol I cuccioli salvano la Mini Patrol The Puppies Save the Mini Patrol
17 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano il mostro del film Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save the Film Monster
18A Mission PAW: Pups Save a Royal Concert Mission PAW: I cuccioli salvano un concerto reale Mission PAW: The Puppies Save a Royal Concert
18B Mission PAW: Pups Save the Princess' Pals Mission PAW: I cuccioli salvano gli amici della principessa Mission PAW: The Puppies Save the Princess' Friends
19A Pups and the Werepuppy I cuccioli e il cucciolo mannaro The Puppies and the Werepuppy
19B Pups Save a Sleepwalking Mayor I cuccioli salvano il sindaco sonnambulo The Puppies Save the Sleepwalking Mayor
20A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save a Swamp Monster Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli e il mostro della palude Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies and the Swamp Monster
20B Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Hidden Golden Bones Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli e le ossa d'oro nascoste Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies and the Hidden Golden Bones
21A Pups Save a Cuckoo Clock I cuccioli salvano un orologio a cucù The Puppies Save a Cuckoo Clock
21B Pups Save Ms. Marjorie's House I cuccioli salvano la casa della signorina Marjorie The Puppies Save Ms. Marjorie's House
22A Pups Save Thanksgiving I cuccioli salvano il Giorno del ringraziamento The Puppies Save Thanksgiving
22B Pups Save a Windy Bay I cuccioli salvano una baia ventosa The Puppies Save a Windy Bay
23A Pups Save a Frozen Camp Out I cuccioli salvano un campeggio gelato The Puppies Save a Frozen Camping Trip
23B Pups Save the Fizzy Pickles I cuccioli salvano i sottaceti The Puppies Save the Pickles
24A Pups Save a Pluck-o-matic I cuccioli salvano lo spanno-matic The Puppies Save the Pluck-o-matic
24B Pups Save a Mascot I cuccioli salvano una mascotte The Puppies Save a Mascot
25 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save a Runaway Stargazer Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano un osservatorio in fuga Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save a Runaway Observatory
26A Pups Save Ace's Birthday Surprise I cuccioli salvano la sorpresa di compleanno di Ace The Puppies Save Ace's Birthday Surprise
26B Pups Save a Tower of Pizza I cuccioli salvano una torre di pizza The Puppies Save a Tower of Pizza

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Jungle Penguins I cuccioli salvano i pinguini nella giungla The Puppies Save the Penguins in the Jungle
1B Pups Save a Freighter I cuccioli salvano un mercantile The Puppies Save a Freighter
2A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop a Meltdown Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli combattono il caldo Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Fight the Heat
2B Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli e il mistero dei cellulari scomparsi Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies and the Mystery of the Missing Cellphones
3A Pups Save a Melon Festival I cuccioli salvano la fiera dei cocomeri The Puppies Save the Watermelon Festival
3B Pups Save a Cow I cuccioli salvano una mucca The Puppies Save a Milk Cow
4A Pups Save the Honey I cuccioli salvano il miele The Puppies Save the Honey
4B Pups Save Mayor Goodway's Purse I cuccioli salvano la borsa del sindaco The Puppies Save the Mayor's Purse
5A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Mountain Climbers I cuccioli salvano gli scalatori The Puppies Save the Mountain Climbers
5B Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save Captain Gordy I cuccioli salvano capitan Gordy The Puppies Save Captain Gordy
6A Pups and the Stinky Bubble Trouble I cuccioli e le bolle puzzolenti The Puppies and the Stinky Bubbles
6B Pups Save the Baby Ostriches I cuccioli salvano i piccoli struzzi The Puppies Save the Little Ostriches
7A Pups Save Gustavo's Guitar I cuccioli salvano la chitarra di Gustavo The Puppies Save Gustavo's Guitar
7B Pups Save the Yoga Goats I cuccioli salvano le caprette da yoga The Puppies Save the Yoga Goats
8A Pups Save Bedtime I cuccioli salvano l'ora della nanna The Puppies Save the Bedtime
8B Pups Save Chickaletta's Egg I cuccioli salvano l'uovo di Chickaletta The Puppies Save Chickaletta's Egg
9 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack I Super Cuccioli: L'attacco dei super gattini Mighty Pups: The Attack of the Super Kitties
10A Pups Save a Manatee I cuccioli salvano un lamantino The Puppies Save a Manatee
10B Pups Save Breakfast I cuccioli salvano la colazione The Puppies Save Breakfast
11A Pups Save the Land Pirates I cuccioli salvano i pirati di terra The Puppies Save the Land Pirates
11B Pups Save the Birdwatching Turbots I cuccioli salvano la gara dei Turbot The Puppies Save the Turbots' Competition
12 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Meet the Mighty Twins I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli incontrano i super-gemelli Mighty Pups: The Puppies Meet the Mighty Twins
13A Pups Save a Freaky Pup-day I cuccioli salvano una strana giornata The Puppies Save a Strange Day
13B Pups Save a Runaway Mayor I cuccioli salvano un sindaco in fuga The Puppies Save a Runaway Mayor
14A Pups Save a Bat Family I cuccioli salvano una famiglia di pipistrelli The Puppies Save a Bat Family
14B Pups Save a Mud Monster I cuccioli salvano un mostro di fango The Puppies Save a Mud Monster
15A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Giant Chicken I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli salvano una gallina gigante Mighty Pups: The Puppies Save a Giant Chicken
15B Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop Harold's Deep Freeze I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli fermeranno il freddo di Harold Mighty Pups: The Puppies Stop Harold's Freeze
16A Pups Save the Balloon Pups I cuccioli salvano i palloncini The Puppies Save the Balloons
16B Pups Save the Spider Spies I cuccioli salvano i cercatori di ragni The Puppies Save the Spider Searchers
17A Pups Save the Bears I cuccioli salvano gli orsi The Puppies Save the Bears
17B Pups Save a Farmerless Farm I cuccioli salvano una fattoria The Puppies Save a Farm
18A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups and the Big Twin Trick I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli e il grande trucco Mighty Pups: The Puppies and the Big Trick
18B Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Mega Mayor I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli salvano un super sindaco Mighty Pups: The Puppies Save a Mega Mayor
19A Pups Save a White Wolf I cuccioli salvano un lupo artico The Puppies Save an Arctic Wolf
19B Pups Save a Wrong Way Explorer I cuccioli salvano un esploratore smarrito The Puppies Save a Lost Explorer
20A Pups Save the Squirrels I cuccioli salvano gli scoiattoli The Puppies Save the Squirrels
20B Pups Save a Roo I cuccioli salvano un canguro The Puppies Save a Kangaroo
21 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. the Copycat I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli contro Copycat Mighty Pups: The Puppies Meet Copycat
22A Pups Save a Humsquatch I cuccioli salvano un Humsquatch The Puppies Save a Humsquatch
22B Pups Stop a Far Flung Flying Disc I cuccioli salvano un disco volante The Puppies Save a Flying Disc
23A Pups Rescue a Rescuer I cuccioli salvano un soccorritore The Puppies Save a Rescuer
23B Pups Save the Phantom of the Frog Pond I cuccioli salvano il fantasma dello stagno The Puppies Save the Ghost of the Pond
24A Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli fermano un robot Mighty Pups: The Puppies Stop a Robot
24B Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. the Dome I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli e la cupola Mighty Pups: The Puppies and the Dome
25A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Opening Ceremonies I cuccioli salvano la cerimonia di apertura The Puppies Save the Opening Ceremonies
25B Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Adventure Bay Games I cuccioli salvano i giochi di Adventure Bay The Puppies Save the Adventure Bay Games
26A Pups Save a Tour Bus I cuccioli salvano un bus The Puppies Save a Bus
26B Pups Save Midnight at the Museum I cuccioli salvano una notte al museo The Puppies Save Night at the Museum

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Humdinger Horde I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli fermano un'orda di Humdinger Mighty Pups: The Puppies Stop a Humdinger Horde
1B Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Save a Mighty Lighthouse I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli salvano un super faro Mighty Pups: The Puppies Save a Mighty Lighthouse
2A Pups Save Election Day I cuccioli salvano le elezioni The Puppies Save the Elections
2B Pups Save the Bubble Monkeys I cuccioli salvano le scimmie volanti The Puppies Save the Flying Monkeys
3A Pups Save an Antarctic Martian I cuccioli salvano un marziano antartico The Puppies Save an Antarctic Martian
3B Pups Save the Maze Explorers I cuccioli salvano gli esploratori The Puppies Save the Explorers
4 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups vs. Three Super Baddies I Super Cuccioli: I cuccioli contro tre super cattivi Mighty Pups: The Puppies Against Three Super Villains
5A Pups Save a Waiter Bot I cuccioli salvano un robot cameriere The Puppies Save a Waiter Robot
5B Pups Stop a Pie-clone I cuccioli fermano un tort-nado The Puppies Stop a Pie-nado
6 Dino Rescue: Pups and the Lost Dino Eggs Dino Rescue: I cuccioli e le uova di dinosauro Dino Rescue: The Puppies and the Dinosaur Eggs
7A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Pterodactyl Dino Soccorso: I cuccioli salvano uno pterodattilo Dino Rescue: The Puppies Save a Pterodactyl
7B Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble Dino Soccorso: I cuccioli e il grande rombo Dino Rescue: The Puppies and the Big Rumble
8 Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Hum-dino Dino Soccorso: I cuccioli salvano un Humdi-sauro Dino Rescue: The Puppies Save a Humdi-saurus
9A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Sore Dino Dino Soccorso: I cuccioli salvano un dinosauro dolorante Dino Rescue: The Puppies Save an Aching Dinosaur
9B Dino Rescue: Pups Save the Triceratops Tag-alongs Dino Soccorso: I cuccioli salvano la corsa del triceratopo Dino Rescue: The Puppies Save the Triceratops Run
10A Pups Save the Big Bad Bird Crew I cuccioli salvano tre pennuti in fuga The Puppies Save Three Birds in Flight
10B Pups Save a Soapbox Derby I cuccioli salvano la gara senza motore The Puppies Save the Engineless Race
11A Pups Save the Skydivers I cuccioli salvano i paracadutisti The Puppies Save the Skydivers
11B Pups Save the Cupcakes I cuccioli salvano i cupcake The Puppies Save the Cupcakes
12 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Pupmobiles Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano i loro veicoli Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save Their Vehicles
13A Pups Save a Lost Gold Miner I cuccioli salvano un cercatore d'oro The Puppies Save a Gold Searcher
13B Pups Save Uncle Otis from His Cabin I cuccioli salvano lo zio Otis The Puppies Save Uncle Otis
14A Pups Save a Rocket Roller Skater I cuccioli salvano un pattinatore col turbo The Puppies Save a Skater with Turbo
14B Pups Save Ryder's Surprise I cuccioli salvano la sorpresa per Ryder The Puppies Save the Surprise for Ryder
15A Pups Save the Marooned Mayors I cuccioli salvano i sindaci isolati The Puppies Save the Isolated Mayors
15B Pups Save the Game Show I cuccioli salvano lo show televisivo The Puppies Save the Television Show
16A Pups Save the Chalk Art I cuccioli salvano il disegno con i gessetti The Puppies Save the Chalk Drawing
16B Pups Save the Hot Potato I cuccioli salvano la patata bollente The Puppies Save the Boiling Potato
17 Pups Save a Bah Humdinger I cuccioli salvano l'elfo Hummy The Puppies Save Elf Hummy
18A Pups Save Little Hairy I cuccioli salvano Little Hairy The Puppies Save Little Hairy
18B Pups Save a Kooky Climber I cuccioli salvano uno scalatore pazzo The Puppies Save a Crazy Climber
19A Pups Save Queen Cluck-cluck I cuccioli salvano la regina Coccodè The Puppies Save Queen Cluck-cluck
19B Pups Save a Desert Flounder I cuccioli salvano la Flounder del deserto The Puppies Save the Desert Flounder
20 Moto Pups: Pups vs. the Ruff-ruff Pack I Motocuccioli: I cuccioli contro la banda Bau Bau Moto Pups: The Puppies Agaijnst the Ruff-ruff Pack
21A Pups Save a Trash-dinger I cuccioli salvano uno Spazza-dinger The Puppies Save a Trash-dinger
21B Pups Save the Royal Armor I cuccioli salvano l'armatura reale The Puppies Save the Royal Armor
22A Moto Pups: Pups Save the Donuts I Motocuccioli: I cuccioli salvano le ciambelle Moto Pups: The Puppies Save the Donuts
22B Moto Pups: Pups Save the Kitties I Motocuccioli: I cuccioli salvano i gattini Moto Pups: The Puppies Save the Kitties
23 Moto Pups: Pups Save a Moto Mayor I Motocuccioli: I cuccioli salvano un sindaco su due ruote Moto Pups: The Puppies Save a Mayor on Two Wheels
24A Moto Pups: Rescue at Twisty Top Mesa I Motocuccioli: Salvataggio alla Twisty Top Mesa Moto Pups: Rescue at Twisty Top Mesa
24B Moto Pups: Pups Save a Sneezy Chase I Motocuccioli: I cuccioli salvano l'allergico Chase Moto Pups: The Puppies Save the Allergic Chase
25A Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop a Junk-monster Ultimate Rescue: I cuccioli salvano un mostro di rottami Ultimate Rescue: The Puppies Save a Junk Monster
25B Pups Save the Whale Pod I cuccioli salvano le balene The Puppies Save the Whales
26A Pups Save Thundermouth I cuccioli salvano Bocca di Tuono The Puppies Save Thundermouth
26B Pups Save a Class Pet I cuccioli salvano la mascotte della classe The Puppies Save the Class Pet

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save a Runaway Rooster I cuccioli salvano un gallo in fuga The Puppies Save a Runaway Rooster
1B Pups Save a Snowbound Cow I cuccioli salvano una mucca sulla neve The Puppies Save a Cow on the Snow
2A Pups Save a Sweet Mayor I cuccioli salvano un dolce sindaco The Puppies Save a Sweet Mayor
2B Pups Save a Magic Trick I cuccioli salvano un trucco di magia The Puppies Save a Magic Trick
3A Pups Save a Rubble-Double I cuccioli salvano l'altro Rubble The Puppies Save the Other Rubble
3B Pups Save a Clown I cuccioli salvano un clown The Puppies Save a Clown
4 Pups Stop the Cheetah I cuccioli fermano il Ghepardo The Puppies Stop the Cheetah
5A Pups Save the Mustache I cuccioli salvano i baffi The Puppies Save the Moustache
5B Pups Save the Funhouse I cuccioli salvano il luna park The Puppies Save the Amusement Park
6A Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Water Walker Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un camminatore sull'acqua Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Water Walker
6B Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Windsurfer Sea Patrol: I cuccioli salvano un windsurfer Sea Patrol: The Puppies Save a Windsurfer
7A Pups Save the Hiding Elephants I cuccioli salvano gli elefanti The Puppies Save the Elephants
7B Pups Save a Yodeler I cuccioli salvano un cantante di yodel The Puppies Save a Yodeler
8A Pups Save the Dizzy Dust Express I cuccioli salvano il Dizzy Dust Express The Puppies Save the Dizzy Dust Express
8B Pups Save the Treetop Trekkers I cuccioli salvano tre escursioniste The Puppies Save Three Hikers
9A Pups Save the Treasure Cruise I cuccioli salvano la crociera The Puppies Save the Cruise
9B Pups Save Rocket Ryder I cuccioli salvano i razzi di Ryder The Puppies Save Ryder's Rockets
10A Pups and Katie Stop the Barking Kitty Crew I cuccioli e Katie salvano i gattini che abbaiano The Puppies and Katie Save the Barking Kitties
10B Pups Save the Glasses I cuccioli salvano gli occhiali The Puppies Save the Glasses
11A Pups vs. a Neon Humdinger I cuccioli contro Humdinger al neon The Puppies Against Neon Humdinger
11B Pups Save a Royal Painting I cuccioli salvano un dipinto reale The Puppies Save a Royal Painting
12A Pups Save a Chicken Tulip I cuccioli salvano un tulipano chioccia The Puppies Save a Chicken Tulip
12B Pups Stop an Xtreme Shark I cuccioli fermano uno squalo estremo The Puppies Stop an Extreme Shark
13A Pups Save a Show Jumper I cuccioli salvano la gara di salto The Puppies Save the Jumping Competition
13B Pups Save the Salmon I cuccioli salvano i salmoni The Puppies Save the Salmon
14A Pups vs. Ouchy Paws I cuccioli contro Zampa Bucata The Puppies Against Ouchy Paws
14B Pups Save a Glow-in-the-Dark Party I cuccioli salvano la festa brilla-nel-buio The Puppies Save the Glow-in-the-dark Party
15 Rescue Knights: Quest for the Dragon's Tooth Rescue Knights: Alla ricerca del dente di drago Rescue Knights: Searching for the Dragon Tooth
16A Pups Stop a Super Shaker I cuccioli salvano un Super Scuotitore The Puppies Save a Super Shaker
16B Pups Save a Flying Farmhouse I cuccioli salvano una fattoria volante The Puppies Save a Flying Farm
17A Pups Save a Box Fort I cuccioli salvano un fortino di cartone The Puppies Save a Box Fort
17B Pups Save Travelin' Travis from Really Big Bill! I cuccioli salvano Travis il Viaggiatore da Big Bill The Puppies Travelin' Travis from Big Bill
18 Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Dozing Dragon Rescue Knights: I cuccioli salvano un drago insonnolito Rescue Knights: The Puppies Save a Drowsy Dragon
19A Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Tournament Rescue Knights: I cuccioli salvano un torneo Rescue Knights: The Puppies Save a Tournament
19B Rescue Knights: Pups Save the Baby Dragons Rescue Knights: I cuccioli salvano i piccoli draghi Rescue Knights: The Puppies Save the Little Dragons
20A Rescue Knights: Pups Break the Ice Rescue Knights: I cuccioli rompono il ghiaccio Rescue Knights: The Puppies Break the Ice
20B Rescue Knights: Pups Save Excalibark Rescue Knights: I cuccioli salvano Excalibark Rescue Knights: The Puppies Save Excalibark
21A Dancing with Luke Stars Ballando con Luke Stars Dancing with Luke Stars
21B Pups Save a Mischievous Octopus I cuccioli salvano un polpo dispettoso The Puppies Save a Naughty Octopus
22A Pups Save the Kitties and the Kiddies I cuccioli salvano i gattini e i bambini The Puppies Save the Kitties and the Kids
22B Pups Save a Greenhouse I cuccioli salvano una serra The Puppies Save a Greenhouse
23A Pups Save the Floating Goodways I cuccioli salvano i Goodway alla deriva The Puppies Save the Drifting Goodways
23B Pups Save the Portable Pet Wash I cuccioli salvano il lavacuccioli The Puppies Save the Pet Wash
24A Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus I cuccioli salvano un tricheco malinconico The Puppies Save a Melancholic Walrus
24B Pups Save the Hummy Gummies I cuccioli salvano le Hummy Gummy The Puppies Save the Hummy Gummies
25A Cat Pack: Rubble and Wild and a Yarn Ball! Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Rubble, Wild Cat e un gomitolo Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Rubble, Wild Cat and a Yarn Ball
25B Cat Pack: Skye and Rory Flip It Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Skye e Rory saltano Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Skye and Rory Jump
25C Cat Pack: Marshall, Leo and a Ferris Wheel Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Marshall, Leo e la ruota panoramica Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Marshall, Leo and the Ferris Wheel
25D Cat Pack: Everest, Shade and the Mountain Goat Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Everest, Shade e la capra di montagna Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Everest, Shade and the Mountain Goat
26A Pups Stop a Big Leak I cuccioli fermano una grossa perdita The Puppies Stop a Big Leak
26B Pups Save a Baby Anteater I cuccioli salvano un piccolo formichiere The Puppies Save a Little Anteater
26C Pups Save a Hatch Day I cuccioli salvano un comple-uovo The Puppies Save a Hatch Day
26D Pups Save the Munchie Mobile I cuccioli salvano il furgoncino The Puppies Save the Little Van

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Liberty Makes a New Friend Liberty ha un nuovo amico Liberty Has a New Friend
1B Pups Save the Pup Pup Boogie Contest I cuccioli salvano il concorso di Pup Pup Boogie The Puppies Save the Pup Pup Boogie Contest
2 Pups Meet the Cat Pack I cuccioli incontrano la Cat Pack The Puppies Meet the Cat Pack
3A Cat Pack: Rocket Rescuers Salvataggio spaziale Spatial Rescue
3B Cat Pack: The Golden Lion Mask La maschera leonina The Lion Mask
4A Cat Pack: The Cat That Roared Il gatto che ruggiva The Cat That Roared
4B Cat Pack: Saving the Safe Salvare la cassaforte Saving the Safe
5A Pups Save a Humdinger Doll I cuccioli salvano la bambola Humdinger The Puppies Save the Humdinger Doll
5B Pups Save a Sand Sculpture Contest I cuccioli salvano le sculture di sabbia The Puppies Save the Sand Sculptures
6 Big Truck Pups: Pups Stop a Flood Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli fermano l'acqua Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Stop the Water
7A Pups Save the Tooth Fairy I cuccioli salvano il folletto dei denti The Puppis Save the Tooth Fairy
7B Pups Solve the Mystery of the Missing Art I cuccioli risolvono il mistero dei quadri scomparsi The Puppies Solve the Mystery of the Missing Paintings
8A Pups Save the Hatchlings I cuccioli salvano i pulcini The Puppies Save the Chicks
8B Pups Save a Wrongway Farmhand I cuccioli salvano un aiutante pasticcione The Puppies Save a Clumsy Helper
9 Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Bridge Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli salvano il ponte Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Save the Bridge
10A Big Truck Pups: Pups Save a Sliding Chalet Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli salvano uno chalet Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Save a Chalet
10B Big Truck Pups: Pups Save a Really Big Dish Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli salvano un grosso disco Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Save a Big Disc
11A Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Swiped Speakers Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli salvano gli altoparlanti Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Save the Speakers
11B Big Truck Pups: Pups Save the Big Big Pipes Big Truck Pups: I cuccioli salvano dei tubi giganti Big Truck Pups: The Puppies Save Big Pipes
12A Pups Stop the Return of Humsquatch I cuccioli fermano il ritorno dell'Humsquatch The Puppies Stop the Return of Humsquatch
12B Pups Save a Lonely Ghost I cuccioli salvano un fantasma solo The Puppies Save a Lonely Ghost
13A Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop a Mighty Eel I Super Cuccioli salvano una super anguilla The Mighty Pups Save a Mighty Eel
13B Mission PAW: Pups Save a Floating Royal Carriage Mission PAW: I cuccioli salvano la carrozza reale galleggiante Mission PAW: The Puppies Save the Floating Royal Carriage
14 Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Floating Castle Aqua Pups: I cuccioli salvano un castello galleggiante Aqua Pups: The Puppies Save a Floating Castle
15A Dino Rescue: Pups Save a T-Rex Tyke Dino Rescue: I cuccioli salvano un piccolo T-Rex Dino Rescue: The Puppies Save a Little T-Rex
15B Pups Save a Playful Elephant Calf I cuccioli salvano un simpatico elefantino The Puppies Save a Nice Little Elephant
16 All Paws on Deck Tutti i cuccioli a rapporto All Pups on Deck
17A Pups Save Katie and Some Kitties I cuccioli salvano Katie e i gattini The Puppies Save Katie and the Kitties
17B Pups Save a Helo Humdinger I cuccioli salvano Humdinger in volo The Puppies Save Humdinger in Flight
18 Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Mer-race Aqua Pups: I cuccioli salvano la Corsa dell'Amicizia Aqua Pups: The Puppies Save the Friendship Race
19A Aqua Pups: Pups Save a Merdinger Aqua Pups: I cuccioli salvano il sindaco Sirendinger Aqua Pups: The Puppies Save Mayor Merdinger
19B Aqua Pups: Pups Save the Whale Patroller Aqua Pups: I cuccioli salvano il Balena Patroller Aqua Pups: The Puppies Save Whale Patroller
20A Aqua Pups: Pups Save the Reef Aqua Pups: I cuccioli salvano la barriera corallina Aqua Pups: The Puppies Save Coral Reef
20B Aqua Pups: Pups Stop a Giant Squid Aqua Pups: I cuccioli fermano una seppia gigante Aqua Pups: The Puppies Stop a Giant Squid
21A Pups Save a Flamingo Dancer I cuccioli salvano un fenicottero ballerino The Puppies Save a Flamingo Dancer
21B Pups Save a Mayor and Her Mini I cuccioli salvano un sindaco e un mini sindaco The Puppies Save a Mayor and a Mini Mayor
22A Pups Save a Trophy I cuccioli salvano un trofeo The Puppies Save a Trophy
22B Pups Save the Wind Trekkers I cuccioli salvano le aeronaute The Puppies Save the Aeronauts
23A Pups Save Alex's Feathery Friends I cuccioli salvano gli amici pennuti di Alex The Puppies Save Alex's Feathery Friends
23B Pups Save a Puffy Mayor I cuccioli salvano un sindaco in volo The Puppies Save a Flying Mayor
24A Pups Save a Jukebox I cuccioli salvano un jukebox The Puppies Save a Jukebox
24B Pups Save a Mayor on a Wire I cuccioli salvano un sindaco funambolo The Puppies Save a Tightrope-walking Mayor
25A Pups Save the Baby Space Rocks I cuccioli salvano le piccole pietre spaziali The Puppies Save the Little Space Rocks
25B Pups Save the Eddies and Emmys I cuccioli salvano tanti Eddie e Emmy The Puppies Save Many Eddies and Emmys
26A Charger Visits the Pups Charger va a trovare i cuccioli Charger Visit the Puppies
26B Pups Save a Shiny Ride I cuccioli salvano un veicolo scintillante The Puppies Save a Shiny Vehicle

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Pups Save the Wacky Water Skiers I cuccioli salvano due sciatori d'acqua The Puppies Save Two Water Skiers
1B Pups Save the Mayor's Assistant I cuccioli salvano l'assistente del sindaco The Puppies Save the Mayor's Assistant
2A Pups Save a High-flying Hen I cuccioli salvano una gallina volante The Puppies Save a Flying Hen
2B Pups Save a Sloth I cuccioli salvano un bradipo The Puppies Save a Sloth
3 Jungle Pups: Pups Find a Hidden Jungle Jungle Pups: I cuccioli trovano una giungla nascosta Jungle Pups: The Puppies Find a Hidden Jungle
4A Pups Save a Windswept Polar Bear Cub I cuccioli salvano un orsetto polare The Puppies Save a Polar Bear Cub
4B Pups Save a Drive-in I cuccioli salvano un drive-in The Puppies Save a Drive-in
5A Pups Save Their Digi Tal Friends I cuccioli salvano gli amici Digi e Tal The Puppies Save the Friends Digi and Tal
5B Pups Save the Rainbow I cuccioli salvano l'arcobaleno The Puppies Save the Rainbow
6 Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Big, Big Animals Jungle Pups: I cuccioli salvano gli animali preistorici Jungle Pups: The Puppies Save the Prehistoric Animals
7A Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Meerkat Pirates Jungle Pups: I cuccioli salvano i suricati pirati Jungle Pups: The Puppies Save the Meerkat Pirates
7B Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Hum-hippo Jungle Pups: I cuccioli salvano un Hum-ippo Jungle Pups: The Puppies Save a Hum-hippo
8A Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Golden Sweetie I cuccioli salvano una Sweetie dorata The Puppies Save a Golden Sweetie
8B Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Giant Ants I cuccioli salvano le formiche giganti The Puppies Save the Gigantic Ants
9A Pups Stop a Gold Finding Machine I cuccioli fermano una macchina cerca-oro The Puppies Stop a Gold-finding Machine
9B Pups Help Mayor Humdinger Out of a Jam I cuccioli liberano Humdinger dalla marmellata The Puppies Free Humdinger Out of the Jam
10A Liberty's Mountain Rescue Il salvataggio in montagna di Liberty Liberty's Rescue in the Mountain
10B Pups Save a Flying Farmer Yumi I cuccioli salvano la signora Yumi volante The Puppies Save the Flying Farmer Yumi
11A Pups Stop the Falling Space Junk I cuccioli fermano i rifiuti spaziali The Puppies Stop the Space Junk
11B Pups Stop the Giant Cuckoo I cuccioli fermano un cucù gigante The Puppies Stop a Gigantic Cuckoo
12A Pups Save a Hum-ñata I cuccioli salvano la pignatta di Humdinger The Puppies Save the Humdinger Piñata
12B Pups Stop the Foggy Skies I cuccioli fermano la nebbia The Puppies Stop the Fog
13 Mighty Pups vs. the Mayor of the Universe I Super Cuccioli contro il sindaco dell'universo The Mighty Pups Against the Mayor of the Universe
14A Charger's Christmas Adventure L'avventura di Natale di Charger Charger's Christmas Adventure
14B Pups Save Great Uncle Smiley's Cup I cuccioli salvano la coppa dello zio Smiley The Puppies Save Uncle Smiley's Cup
15A Pups Save a Baby Caribou I cuccioli salvano un piccolo di caribù The Puppies Save a Baby Caribou
15B Pups Save Luke and His Luke-alike I cuccioli salvano Luke e Simil-Luke The Puppies Save Luke and Simi-Luke
16A Mighty Pups vs. the Big Chill I Super Cuccioli contro il grande freddo The Mighty Pups Against the Big Cold
16B Mighty Pups vs. the Mighty Cheetah I Super Cuccioli contro il Super Ghepardo The Mighty Pups Against the Mighty Cheetah
17A Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen I Super Cuccioli fermano la Super Regina The Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen
17B Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccups I Super Cuccioli fermano il singhiozzo The Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccup
18A Pups Save a Disappearing Flounder I cuccioli salvano la Flounder scomparsa The Puppies Save the Disappeared Flounder
18B Pups Save Little Grandpa and Mr. Alex I cuccioli salvano il piccolo nonno e il signor Alex The Puppies Save Little Grandpa and Mister Alex
19A Pups Save the Elephant Spa I cuccioli salvano le terme degli elefanti The Puppies Save the Elephant Spa
19B Pups Save an Underwater Otis I cuccioli salvano lo Zio Otis sott'acqua The Puppies Save Underwater Uncel Otis
20A Pups vs. the Hum-flectors I cuccioli contro gli Hum-flettori The Puppies Against the Hum-Flectors
20B Pups Save a Capybara I cuccioli salvano un capibara The Puppies Save a Capybara
21A Cat Pack: Pups & Cats Save HumCatDingerMan I cuccioli e i gattini salvano Supergattinger The Puppies and the Kitties Save HumCatDingerMan
21B Pups Save a Turbot Tournament I cuccioli salvano il torneo dei Turbot The Puppies Save the Turbot Tournament
22A Pups Save a Talkative Mini Patrol I cuccioli salvano la Mini Patrol parlante The Puppies Save the Talkative Mini Patrol
22B Pups Save the History of Adventure Bay I cuccioli salvano la storia di Adventure Bay The Puppies Save the History of Adventure Bay
23 Rescue Wheels: Pups Save Adventure Bay!
title unavailable
24A Pups Save a Runaway Robo-chicken Purse
title unavailable
24B Pups Save the Buggy Trekkers
title unavailable
25A Pups Take in a Runaway Kitty!
title unavailable
25B Pups Save the Cheese Goat!
title unavailable
26 Rescue Wheels: Pups vs. the Monster Mayor
title unavailable

# Original title Italian title
Title Translation
1A Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Teetering Tower
title unavailable
1B Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Spelunkers
title unavailable
2A Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Risky Race
title unavailable
2B Rescue Wheels: Pups Save the Runaway Truck
title unavailable
3A Pups Plus a Plucky Chicken
title unavailable
3B Pups Save a Pet Show
title unavailable
4A Pups Save Helga & the Humsquatch
title unavailable
4B Pups Save the Missing Bone-stone
title unavailable
5A Pups Save the Director
title unavailable
5B Pups Save the Super Cows
title unavailable
7A Pups Save the Mountain Surfers
title unavailable
7B Pups Save Humdingers Home Away from Home
title unavailable
8A Pups Get Your Goat
title unavailable
8B Pups Save the Crop Circles
title unavailable


Below are some of the catchphrases in Italian. Not all catchphrases are necessarily translated as some are reinvented to suit the language and some are totally translated as regular lines as opposed to catchphrases:

  • Ryder:
    • "PAW Patrol, to the lookout!" - "PAW Patrol, a rapporto!" ("PAW Patrol, to report!")
    • "PAW Patrol is on a roll!" – "Avanti PAW Patrol!" / "Al lavoro PAW Patrol!" ("Come on PAW Patrol!" / "At work PAW Patrol!")
    • "No job is too big, no pup is too small!" – "Nessun lavoro è faticoso per un cucciolo coraggioso!"/"Niente è faticoso per un cucciolo coraggioso!" ("No job is too hard for a brave puppy!" / "Nothing is too hard for a brave puppy!")
    • "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" – "Se serve aiuto noi siamo a disposizione!"/ "In ogni occasione, noi siamo a disposizione!" ("If you need help, we are available!"/"In any occasions, we are available!")
  • Marshall:
    • "I'm all fired up" – "Sono pronto, non aspettavo altro!" or just "(Si!) Non aspettavo altro!" ("I'm ready, I didn't wait anyone else!" / "(Yes!) I didn't wait anyone else!")
    • "I'm ready for a ruff-ruff rescue!" – "Sono pronto per la ruff-ruff missione!" ("I'm ready for the ruff-ruff mission!")
    • Additional phrase: "Sono sempre pronto al pronto soccorso!" ("I'm always ready to the first aid!")
    • Additional phrase: "Le mie zampe altamente addestrate sono pronte al tuo servizio!" ("My highly trained paws are ready to your service!")
  • Rubble:
    • "Rubble on the double!" – "Se serve aiuto, Rubble arriva in un minuto!"/"Rubble come un Razzo!" ("If you need help, Rubble comes in a minute!" / "Rubble like a Rocket!")
    • "Let's dig it!" – "Rubble come un razzo!" ("Rubble like a rocket!")
  • Chase:
    • "Ready for action, Ryder, sir!" – "Pronti all'azione, signore! / PAW Patrol siamo pronti all'azione, signore! (o Ryder signore)" ("Ready for action, sir! / PAW Patrol! we're ready for action sir! (or Ryder, sir)")
    • "Chase is on the case!" – "Questo caso fa per Chase!"/"Ci pensa Chase, Signore!" ("This case is for Chase!" / "Chase's got it, Sir!")
    • "These paws uphold the laws!" – "Queste zampe faranno rispettare le leggi!" ("These paws will enforce the laws!")
    • "Super Spy Chase! When you least expect him, expect him!" – "Quando meno te lo aspetti, arriva Chase!" ("When you least expect it, comes Chase!")
    • Additional phrase: "Ci pensa Chase, signore!" ("Think of this Chase, sir!")
    • Additional phrase: "Chi è che cattura tutti i cattivi!? Chase la super spia!" ("Who catches all the criminals? Chase the super spy!")
    • Additional phrase: "Questo caso fa per Chase, la super spia!" ("This case is for Chase, the super spy!")
    • Additional phrase: "Le mie zampe altamente addestrate sono pronte al tuo servizio!" ("My highly trained paws are ready to your service!")
  • Rocky:
    • "Don't lose it, reuse it" – "Riciclare è meglio che buttare!" ("To recycle is better than to throw away!")
    • "Green means go!" – "Semaforo verde! (Signore!)" ("Green light! (Signore!)")
  • Zuma:
    • "Let's dive in" – "Tuffiamoci dentro!" (literal translation)
  • Skye:
    • "This pup's gotta fly!" – "Questo cucciolo ha imparato a volare!" ("This puppy has learned to fly!")
    • "Let's take to the sky!" – "Prendiamo subito il volo!" ("Let's take flight immediately!")
  • Everest:
    • "Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" – "Ghiaccio o neve, sono pronta ad andare!" / "Ghiaccio o neve, io sono pronta!" ("Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" / "Ice or snow, I'm ready!")
  • Tracker:
    • "I'm all ears!"/"Soy todo oídos" – "Sono Tutto Orecchie" (literal translation)

Home media

DVD Episodes
PAW Patrol DVD Italy PAW Patrol
  • Pups Save the Sea Turtles // Pups and the Very Big Baby
  • Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe // Pups Save a Train
  • Pup Pup Boogie // Pups in a Fog
  • Pup Pup Goose // Pup Pup and Away
  • Pups Save the Circus // Pup A Doodle Do
PAW Patrol Marshall and Chase on the Case! DVD Italy Questo caso fa per Marshall e Chase!
  • Pups Pit Crew // Pups Fight Fire
  • Pups Save a Hoedown // Pups Save Alex
  • Pups Go All Monkey // Pups Save a Hoot
  • Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie // Pups Save Ryder
PAW Patrol Winter Rescues DVD Italy Salvataggi invernali
  • Pups Save Christmas
  • Pups on Ice // Pups and the Snow Monster
  • Pups Save the Treats // Pups Get a Lift
  • Pups Get a Rubble // Pups Save a Walrus
PAW Patrol Pups and the Pirate Treasure DVD Italy I cuccioli e il tesoro dei pirati
  • Pups and the Pirate Treasure
  • Pups and the Ghost Pirate
  • Pups Save the Bay // Pups Save a Goodway
  • Pups Save a Pool Day // Circus Pup-formers
PAW Patrol Meet Everest! DVD Italy Conosciamo Everest!
  • The New Pup
  • Pups and the Big Freeze
  • Pups Save the Deer
  • Pups Make a Splash
  • Pups Save a School Day
  • Pups and the Trouble with Turtles
  • Pups Save a Flying Frog
PAW Patrol Brave Heroes, Big Rescues DVD Italy Eroi coraggiosi, grandi salvataggi
  • Pups Save Jake // Pups Save the Parade
  • Pups Save a Mer-pup
  • Pups Save a Friend // Pups Save a Stowaway
  • Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
PAW Patrol All Wings on Deck DVD Italy Volatili a raccolta
  • Pups Save the Penguins
  • Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins
  • Pups Save the Queen Bee
  • Pups Save a Bat
  • Pups Save an Eagle
  • Pups Save the Parrot
  • Pups Save a Surprise
  • Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
PAW Patrol Pups Save the Bunnies DVD Italy Caccia alle uova di Pasqua
  • Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt
  • Pups Save the Bunnies
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips
  • Pups Save a Stinky Flower
  • Pups Save the Songbirds
  • A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
  • Pups Save a Herd
PAW Patrol Sports Day DVD Italy Inizia la partita!
  • Pups Save a Basketball Game
  • Pup-fu!
  • Pups Save the Mayor's Race
  • Pups Save a Snowboard Competition
  • Pups Save the Soccer Game
  • Pups Great Race
  • Pups Save a Tightrope Walker
PAW Patrol Air Pups DVD Italy Cuccioli volanti
  • Air Pups
  • Pups Save a Monkey-naut
  • Pups Save a Dragon
  • Pups Save Daring Danny X
  • Pups Save a Film Festival
  • Pups Bear-ly Save Danny
  • Pups Save Apollo
PAW Patrol Halloween Heroes DVD Italy Avventure spaventose
  • Pups and the Ghost Pirate
  • Pups Save a Ghost
  • Pups and the Ghost Cabin
  • Pups Save a Bat
  • Pups Fall Festival
  • Pups Save the Corn Roast
  • Pups Save a Show
PAW Patrol Pups Save Christmas DVD Italy I cuccioli salvano il Natale
  • Pups Save Christmas
  • Pups Save the Penguins
  • Pups Save the Pop-up Penguins
  • Pups Save Skye
  • Pups Bear-ly Save Danny
PAW Patrol Jungle Rescues DVD Italy Salvataggio nella giungla
  • Tracker Joins the Pups!
  • Parroting Pups
  • Pups Save a Giant Plant
  • Pups Jungle Trouble
  • Pups Save a Dolphin Pup
  • Pups Save Walinda
  • Pups and a Whale of a Tale
PAW Patrol Mission PAW DVD Italy Mission PAW
  • Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown
  • Mission PAW: Pups Save the Royal Throne
  • Mission PAW: Royally Spooked
  • Pups Get Stuck
  • Pups in a Jam
  • Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig
Cover unavailable Sea Patrol
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Baby Octopus
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Shark
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pier
  • Sea Patrol: Pirate Pups to the Rescue
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Frozen Flounder
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Narwhal
PAW Patrol The Great Snow Rescue DVD Italy I cuccioli sulla neve
  • The Pups' Winter Wonder Show
  • Pups Save a Wild Ride
  • Pups Save a Sleepwalking Bear
  • Pups Save Sports Day
  • Pups Save Jake's Cake
  • Pups Save a Teeny Penguin
  • Pups Save a Floundering Francois
PAW Patrol Safety Pups DVD Italy I salva cuccioli
  • Pups Save an Adventure
  • Pups Save the Corn Roast
  • Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone
  • Pups Save the Fireworks
  • Pups Save the Sea Turtles
  • Pups Turn on the Lights
  • Pups Save a Train
  • Pups Save the Beavers
  • Pups Make a Splash
  • Pups Save a Walrus
  • Pups Save the Bay
  • Pups Save the Diving Bell
PAW Patrol Summer Rescues DVD Italy Salvataggi estivi
  • Pups Save the Fireworks
  • Pups Save the Carnival
  • Pups Save a Ferris Wheel
  • Pups Save the Camping Trip
  • Pups Save Dude Ranch Danny
  • Pups Save the Chili Cook-off
  • Pups Save a Sleepover
  • Pups Save a Pool Day
PAW Patrol Pups Save Puplantis DVD Italy I cuccioli salvano Canatlantide
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Puplantis
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Sunken Sloop
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Wiggly Whale
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Flying Diving Bell
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save a Soggy Farm
  • Sea Patrol: Pups Save Their Pirated Sea Patroller
PAW Patrol Ultimate Rescue DVD Italy Ultimate Rescue
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Royal Kitties
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster
  • Pups Save an Ace
  • Pups Save a Pony
PAW Patrol Pups Chase a Mystery DVD Italy I cuccioli risolvono un mistero
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save a Runaway Stargazer
  • Pups and the Werepuppy
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones
  • Pups Save a Cat Burglar
  • Pups Save Ms. Marjorie's House
  • Pup A Doodle Do
  • Pups Turn on the Lights
Cover unavailable Title unavailable
  • Pups Save Ryder's Robot
  • Pups in a Fix
  • Pups Save the PAW Patroller
  • Pups Save a Robo-saurus
  • Pups Save a Cloud Surfer
  • Pups Save a Pony
  • Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster
Cover unavailable Title unavailable
  • Mighty Pups
Cover unavailable Title unavailable
  • Pups Save an Ace // Pups Save a Wedding



PAW Patrol Theme Song Italian



  • The Italian version preserves PAW Patrol as both the title of the series and the name of the team.
  • Even though PAW Patrol is the main title used, PAW Patrol - La squadra dei cuccioli ("PAW Patrol: The Puppy Squad") is also used as an alternative title mainly in commercial advertisements while PAW Patrol remains as the name of the team.
  • The title cards of every episode are localized in Italian as well as the additional credits section for the Italian dubbing.
  • Monica Ward, who voices Marshall and Farmer Yumi, is also the director of the dubbing.
  • Stella, which is Star's Italian name, is also Skye's French name.
  • All episode titles are voiced out by Ryder.
  • In the broadcast on Nick Jr. and Cartoonito, "Pups Save a Show" is the first half episode while "Pups Save a Ghost" is the second half episode instead.

Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Armenian (voice-over) | Assamese | Azerbaijani (voice-over) | Bangladeshi Bengali | Cantonese Chinese | Central Kurdish | Georgian (voice-over) | Gujarati | Hebrew | Hindi | Indian Bengali | Indonesian | Japanese | Kazakh (Balapan (voice-over) | Nickelodeon) | Kannada | Korean | Mainland Mandarin Chinese | Malay | Malayalam | Marathi | Odia | Persian (Gem Junior | MBC | Soren | ToyToy) | Punjabi | Tagalog | Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Turkish | Urdu | Uzbek (Aqlvoy | Bolajon (voice-over)) | Vietnamese
Albanian (Bang Bang | Pikaboo | Tring) | British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German (Nickelodeon | RTL) | Greek | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Latvian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV3 (voice-over)) | Lithuanian (Nickelodeon (voice-over) | TV8 (voice-over)) | Macedonian | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian (Nickelodeon | Viasat (voice-over)) | Serbian | Slovak | Slovene | Swedish | Tatar | Ukrainian | Welsh
Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original)
Arabic | Hebrew | Indonesian | Kazakh | Korean | Malay | Mandarin Chinese | Thai | Turkish
British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (voice-over) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish (Nickelodeon | Yle) | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian (voice-over) | Lithuanian (voice-over) | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovene | Swedish | Ukrainian (Megogo (voice-over) | Nickelodeon)