"Pups Save Uncle Otis from His Cabin" is the second segment of the 13th episode in Season 7 of PAW Patrol.
Uncle Otis's installs a Smart Home 3000, in his cabin, that ends up trapping Uncle Otis and Mr. Wingnut inside!
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Everest
- Beavers
- Buddy
- Mr. Wingnut
- Otis Goodway
- Squirrel
- Julius Goodway (cameo in photo frame)
Mr. Wingnut arrives at Otis Goodway's cabin to help him get into his cabin, with the miner's key no longer being able to do the job. Having gotten the door open, Mr. Wingnut decides to install a new smart home system to make things easier on Otis, though he makes the questionable decision to do so without following the directions. At the Lookout, the pups are building a pillow fort, though it falls apart after a squirrel climbs on top of it. Otis returns from gathering firewood to find that Mr. Wingnut has installed a number of new gadgets and features in his cabin.
Though Otis is initially delighted by these developments, things go awry when Mr. Wingnut spots a circuit board he neglected to install. Upon installing it in the control panel, Smarty-the AI controlling everything-seals the pair inside the cabin and fails to heed any commands. Everest, passing in her snowcat, overhears the distressed Otis and Wingnut and calls Ryder to alert him to the situation. He summons the pups to the Lookout, with Marshall tripping up over the pillows from the fort.
Following the debriefing, Ryder chooses Marshall and Rocky to help him rescue Otis and Mr. Wingnut via a window in the cabin Mr. Wingnut installed during his renovation. They soon arrive at the cabin, and Rocky enters the cabin and turns his attention to the control panel. Unfortunately, Mr. Wingnut's attempts to help without the instructions end up sending the cabin walking away on a pair of giant mechanical legs. With the air conditioning out of control and Rocky trapped between the wall and a rocking chair, Otis and Mr. Wingnut are at a loss as to what to do.
Ryder, Marshall, and Everest pursue the cabin, with Everest using her grappling hook to snag the cabin in an effort to prevent it from walking off the edge of a cliff. Marshall puts his animal-whispering skills to use enlisting a couple of Otis' beaver friends, who join a freed Rocky in making an escape hole for Rocky, Otis, and Mr. Wingnut. Rocky is then able to detach the mechanical legs from the cabin, saving the building from a disastrous fall. The structure is then returned to its proper place and original low-tech state, and Rocky replaces the old lock with a new one.
Pups in Action
First Responders
- Use his ladder to reach the window over the door. Later, tell the beavers to gnaw an escape hole in the cabin.
- Climb up, go through the window, and use his tools to free Uncle Otis and Mr. Wingnut. Later, use his saw to widen one of the holes, then get on the ladder and use his claw to snag the other hole.
- Use her grappling hook to slow the cabin down.