"Pups Save the Skydivers" is the first segment of the 11th episode in Season 7 of PAW Patrol.
Mayor Goodway and Farmer Al are ready for a day filled of skydiving fun, but their adventure is quickly derailed. It's PAW Patrol to the rescue!
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Mayor Goodway
- Farmer Al
- Danny
- Chickaletta
- Mountain lion (debut)
- Mountain lion cubs (debut)
Mayor Goodway, Chickaletta, a nervous Farmer Al, and Daring Danny X are flying and preparing for a skydiving lesson above the badlands. Meanwhile, Rubble and Zuma are playing tug of war when their toy ends up looped over a tree branch at the Lookout. Skye successfully gets it down with help from Marshall, but Rubble admit that now he's interested in playing a jumping game. Back on the plane, Mayor Goodway mishears a warning from Danny and jumps at the wrong time, with Al following her. The pair end up trapped on a ledge, a little way above one where a mountain lion is prowling.
At the Lookout, the pups attempt to get the toy up on the branch again so they can play their jumping game, but Ryder then receives Mayor Goodway's distress call. Ryder quickly directs the pups to the Lookout, and Marshall ends up retrieving the toy by jumping onto-and breaking-the branch, which he then calmly carries into the Lookout elevator. After a debriefing, Ryder selects Skye and Spy Chase for the mission. Skye is to air lift the stranded skydivers to safety, while Chase's task is to use his spy gear to ward off the mountain lion.
Ryder's party arrives in the badlands, with Skye spotting Goodway and Al from the air. Chase, unable to find a spot where he can climb, tries to scare the mountain lion off with his megaphone. However, he and Ryder then hear the sound of mountain lion cubs, and realize they wont be able to frighten off a protective mother. They make their way up another nearby rock formation so they can observe the rescue from up above, while Skye sets to work. She successfully lifts Al and Chickaletta to safety, but the mountain lion begins climbing up to Mayor Goodway's ledge.
A wind kicks up, preventing Skye from lifting Mayor Goodway, so Chase deploys his zipline to enable to the mayor to get to safety. As the mountain lion draws nearer, Mayor Goodway begins walking across the zipline like a tightrope, only for an end to come loose when the mountain lion bats it. Mayor Goodway winds up dangling just above the mountain lion and her cubs, prompting Ryder to summon Marshall for help. He then has Chase deploy his launcher, firing off some tennis balls to distract the cubs.
As the mother mountain lion begins carrying her cubs back into their cave, Marshall arrives and deploys his ladder. The mayor climbs up onto it and is joined by a cub, whom Marshall quickly carries back to its mother. With the rescue completed, Ryder and the pups meet Danny at city hall, where Mayor Goodway, Farmer Al, and Chickaletta make a more successful skydiving landing as a way of showing their appreciation.
Pups in Action
First Responders
- Use her harness to lift the skydivers off the mountain one at a time.
- Use his wall walkers and megaphone to climb up the mountain to shoo the mountain lion away.
Backup Responders
- Use his ladder to get the mayor down from the cave.