"Rocky Fixes Chase's Megaphone" is the 1st episode of Rocky's Garage.
When Chase's megaphone goes missing, Rocky's on a mission to find a helpful, eco-friendly alternative in its place to get the job done.
- Chase
- Rocky
In his garage, Rocky is balancing a pup treat on his nose when Chase pulls in. As Rocky soon discovers, Chase has misplaced his megaphone and is in need of a new one. Excited by the project, Rocky opens up his recycling truck and digs through his various materials. He and Chase soon find a metal funnel and some wiring, which Rocky's truck is able to fashion into a new megaphone. With a visit to his tool wall, Rocky finds the bolt he needs to install the new megaphone on Chase's pup pack. Their mission accomplished, the two friends leave the garage in their pupmobiles.
Pups in Action
First Responders
- Use his abilities to fix Chase's megaphone.