Skye's Music Party is a mini spin-off series based on PAW Patrol. As the name suggests, the series focuses on Skye, who dances along with her friends to music. It consists of 2-minute songs that are released by the PAW Patrol Official & Friends YouTube channel. The first music video was released on June 8th, 2024.
Skye is hosting a music party, and needs your help by dancing and singing along. Follow the steps, dance and sing what you can, and help Skye to create the best music party ever!
- 1. Fly With Me (06-08-2024)
- 2. Pup Pup Boogie (06-09-2024)
- 3. Everest is the Best (06-14-2024)
- 4. Food Song (06-15-2024)
- 5. Chick Chick Chickaletta (06-22-2024)
- 6. Fun with Friends (06-23-2024)
- 7. Trouble (08-08-2024)
- 8. Upcycle Song (08-09-2024)
- 9. Mighty Song (08-10-2024)
- 10. The Meow Meow Song (08-11-2024)
- 11. Dino Rescue (08-17-2024)
- 12. Robo-Dog to the Rescue (08-18-2024)
- 13. Bettina the Cow Song (08-24-2024)
- 14. Puppy Campers (08-25-2024)
- This is the third spin-off after Rubble & Crew and Rocky's Garage.
- This makes PAW Patrol the first Nickelodeon show to have three spin-offs.
- This is the second spin-off to be released by the PAW Patrol Official & Friends YouTube channel.
- The first being Rocky's Garage.
- So far, this is one of two mini web-series where Zuma has yet to make an appearance.
- The first is Rocky's Garage, if not counting the intro.
- This spin-off is animated by Moonbug Entertainment.
- This makes Skye's Music Party the fifth PAW Patrol media to not be animated by Guru Studio.
- The first and second are the theatrical films: PAW Patrol: The Movie and PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie, which are animated by Mikros Animation.
- The third is Rubble & Crew, which is animated by Jam Filled Entertainment.
- The fourth is Rocky's Garage, which is also animated by Moonbug Entertainment.
- This makes Skye's Music Party the fifth PAW Patrol media to not be animated by Guru Studio.
- Like Rocky's Garage, this spin-off will feature 28 episodes.[1]
Title Cards
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Amharic | |
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Brazilian Portuguese | Latin American Spanish | North American English (original) | |
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Arabic | Hebrew | Indonesian | Kazakh | Korean | Malay | Mandarin Chinese | Thai | Turkish | |
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British English | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Estonian (voice-over) | European Portuguese | European Spanish | Finnish | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian (voice-over) | Lithuanian (voice-over) | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovene | Swedish | Ukrainian (voice-over) |