"The Crew Builds a Dance Floor" is the second segment of the 18th episode in Season 1 of Rubble & Crew.
Grandpa Gravel teaches Charger all his best moves for the big dance contest, but will a runaway disco ball cost them first place?
- Rubble
- Auntie Crane
- Charger
- Grandpa Gravel
- Mix
- Motor
- Wheeler
- Builder Cove residents
- Camila
- Mayor Greatway
- Mr. Ducky Doo
- Shopkeeper Shelley
- Wingsy
Early in the morning, Rubble & Crew are out in the lot of the Drive-In movie theater, building a dance floor for the Builder Cover Partner Boogie. Once it's finished, Auntie Crane and Grandpa Gravel arrive, admiring their hard-work before Grandpa Gravel takes to the stage, showing off his dance moves. Impressed, Charger asks to be his dance partner after Mix suggests he participates in the Partner Boogie. Grandpa Gravel hesitates, but happily accepts and teaches Charger, who worries he won't be able to perform well, how to dance with a little song and some help from the disco ball's lights. However, while the two are practicing, Wingsy takes an interest in the disco ball and clings onto it, causing it to crash onto the dance floor before rolling away into town.
As the pups split up into groups of two, the runaway disco ball makes it way toward Camila and Shopkeeper Shelley, who are practicing their dance moves. Fortunately, Charger arrives just in time to swing it away with his claw, sending it all the way over toward City Hall. As the disco ball heads for Mr. Ducky Doo, who is also practicing for the Partner Boogie, Charger swings it away once again, sending it off once more. After the crew reunite, Charger accidentally gives Mix the construction solution to their problem, in which, much like a dance partner, Wheeler becomes Charger's vehicle partner. The pups then follow the runaway disco ball into the skate park where Charger gives it one final swing into the back of Wheeler's dump truck.
With the disco ball now secure, Rubble & Crew return to the Bark Yard where Auntie Crane and Grandpa Gravel supply them with wood cut from the Saw Station for the dance floor and a "Wingsy-proof" hook for the disco ball. However, after the crew finish repairing the floor, Charger notices the disco ball is now scratched and dirty and worries that he won't be able to use it to dance with Grandpa Gravel. Fortunately, Wheeler is on the case and gives it a quick cleaning with his sponge before Rubble hangs it back up.
Later on, once evening approaches, several residents gather for the Partner Boogie, which kicks off with Mayor Greatway and Mr. Ducky Doo showing off their moves. Camila and Shopkeeper Shelley go next, making Charger a bit anxious for his turn with Grandpa Gravel. However, after receiving some reassurance from Grandpa Gravel, Charger takes to the floor and dances with him in perfect synchronization using their song from earlier and the disco lights. Afterwards, Rubble and his family all celebrate with a "Wiggle and Wag", sharing a laugh together as Wingsy clings onto the disco ball once again, dancing along to the beat.
Pups in Action
First Job
Rubble + Charger + Wheeler + Mix
- Build a dance floor.
Second Job
- Hangs the disco ball with his scoop.
Third Job
- Use his claw to swing the rolling disco ball away from Shopkeeper Shelley, Camila and Mr. Ducky Doo.
Fourth Job
- Swing the disco ball into the back of Wheeler's truck.
Fifth Job
- Cut wood for the dance floor in the Saw Station.
- Lift the wood into Rubble's scoop.
Sixth Job
Rubble + Charger + Wheeler + Mix
- Repair the dance floor.
Seventh Job
- Clean the disco ball with his sponge.
- Hang the disco ball with his scoop.