"The Crew Builds a Pig Barn" is the first segment of the 10th episode in Season 1 of Rubble & Crew.
A new farmer in town asks Rubble & crew to build a barn for her pig in time for the big Pig Party.
- Rubble
- Charger
- Mix
- Wheeler
- Farmer Zoe (debut)
- Grocer Gabriel (cameo)
- Juniper (cameo)
- Lily (cameo)
- Lucas (cameo)
- Omar (cameo)
- Shopkeeper Shelley (cameo)
- Truffles (debut)
- Builder Cove residents (cameo)
It's a beautiful day in Builder Cove and Rubble & Crew are out driving until they stumble upon a pig in a truck on the side of the road. They pull over and meet Farmer Zoe, a first-time farmer who has just moved into Builder Cove with her first animal, Truffles. She announces that is going to invite the citizens from town to a Pig Party to give Truffles a proper welcome, but reluctantly admits that she does not have a pig barn for her nor does she know how to build one. Fortunately, Rubble & Crew are happy to lend their assistance and return to the Bark Yard to gather supplies.
After retrieving said supplies, the crew return to Farmer Zoe's farm for their construction job. While Farmer Zoe is out sending invites in town, the crew get to work and build a pig barn. Once the construction is finished, Mix lets Truffles pick a color for the barn, which is pink, and sprays it with said color. As soon as Mix finishes, Farmer Zoe returns and is delighted with their work. She excitedly asks if Truffles can explore, but Wheeler states that it is messy and heads in to clean up the leftover clippings from their construction work first.
Once the inside is spotless, the group head inside to look around. However, upon entering, Truffles collapses with a troubled look on her face. Farmer Zoe and the crew check around the barn to see what may be wrong, but as soon as they turn back to consult with Truffles, they see that she is gone missing. A panicked Farmer Zoe begins to worry that she is not cut out for farming, but after receiving comfort and reassurance from the pups, she wishes them luck on their search for Truffles and stays behind in case Truffles returns to the farm.
After the screw split up, Wheeler hears Truffles oinking nearby the river and alerts Rubble and Farmer Zoe via his Pup Tag that she may be in trouble. Shortly after, the rest of the crew arrive and find her stuck in a puddle of mud. Rubble grabs Charger's winch and tosses it over to Truffles to grab onto, but to their surprise, she completely ignores it.
Once Farmer Zoe arrives, the crew realize that Truffles was feeling overwhelmed from the heat earlier and learn that she was rolling around in the mud to cool herself off. With this new knowledge, the crew return to Farmer Zoe's farm, where they head inside the pig barn and build Truffles a pool full of mud with a slide. As soon as they finish, Farmer Zoe returns with Truffles, who observes the crew's work before sliding down into the pool of mud with delight. With that, Farmer Zoe officially starts the Pig Party and the crew celebrate with a "Wiggle and Wag" in the pool of mud with Truffles.
Pups in Action
1st Job
Rubble + Charger + Wheeler + Mix
- Build a pig barn.
2nd Job
- Sprays the pig barn pink with her mixer.
3rd Job
- Vacuums the inside of the pig barn with his WheelerVac.
4th Job
Rubble + Charger + Wheeler + Mix
- Search for Truffles.
5th Job
- Finds Truffles and alerts Rubble and Farmer Zoe via his Pup Tag.
- Tosses Charger's winch over to Truffles.
6th Job
Rubble + Charger + Wheeler + Mix
- Build a pool and a slide.
- Adds dirt into the pool.
- Adds water onto the dirt.
DVD Inclusions
This episode appears in the following DVD(s):