"Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop a Junk-Monster" is the first segment of the 25th episode in Season 7 of PAW Patrol.
When Wingnut's junk pile and Oscar go missing at the same time, Chase and team are called in to solve the mystery.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Mr. Wingnut
- Mrs. Wingnut
- Oscar
- Farmer Yumi
- Bettina
- Sheep (one)
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cap'n Turbot (mentioned and referenced)
- Mayor Goodway (mentioned and referenced)
- Mailman (mentioned and referenced)
Mr. Wingnut is digging through his junkpile on the ranch looking for a hubcap, only to stub his toe. He decides that he needs to address the problem of his junkpile, and decides to load everything onto an old car chassis so he can easily transport it to the junkyard. As he's doing so, he throws an old back of potato chips on the chassis, which attracts the interest of Oscar the ostrich. Meanwhile, at the Lookout, Ryder introduces the pups to a game of "Who Am I?", in which they use various costume elements to do impressions of Adventure Bay townsfolk.
Back at the ranch, Mrs. Wingnut is pleased-and Mr. Wingnut puzzled-when they discover that all the junk has disappeared. Farmer Yumi is attending to things on her farm when the car chassis, carrying Oscar and the junk, rolls through and knocks her piled hay bales apart and frightens various animals nearby. Yumi quickly calls Ryder to apprise him of the situation, and Mr. Wingnut calls in to report Oscar's absence shortly afterwards. Ryder promptly summons the pups to the Lookout to take part in an Ultimate Police Rescue, with Marshall tripping up on some props from the game on his way to the elevator.
Geared up as police pups, the entire team is assigned to address the mysterious "junk-monster" and Oscar's disappearance. The team soon arrives at the Wingnuts' ranch, and Rocky uses his scanner to search for clues at Chase's direction. He locates tire tracks, and Marshall finds an ostrich feather; Chase then questions Mr. Wingnut as to Oscar's last known whereabouts. The junk-monster then rolls by, answering the question as to what's become of Mr. Wingnut's junk.
Leaving Marshall and Rocky to continue searching for clues, Chase leads the rest of the team in pursuit of the junk-monster, with Skye taking to the air in the police copter. Chase attempts to order the "driver" of the vehicle to slow down, but Skye soon identifies Oscar as the sole inhabitant of the bizarre construction. With the junk-monster heading towards town, Chase races ahead of it to block the road for the safety of various drivers. Unfortunately, this still doesn't address the problem of stopping the runaway junkpile, and Skye soon sees that its heading for a family of ducks.
Marshall and Rubble use the police cycles to get to the ducks and get them to safety, while Chase realizes that the junk-monster is on a collision course with the bay. Chase sends Zuma ahead on his road-surfer, and he is able to deploy a spike strip to bring the junk-monster to a halt in the nick of time. Oscar then exits his strange vehicle, and the Wingnuts arrive to collect him and express their gratitude to Ryder and the pups.
Pups in Action
First Responders
- Lead the team into stopping the junk vehicle and finding Oscar.
Marshall+ Rubble+ Rocky+ Zuma+ Skye
- Follow Chase's instructions.
DVD Inclusions
This episode appears in the following DVD(s):